
It looked pretty bad, but I bet he pulls through. Take a stint on the 15 day DL, rub some dirt on it, he'll be fine.

Wait, where's the buttered bacon?

His Twitter feed is starting to get scary. He supposedly got into two car wrecks already.

Oh, I imagine there will be some comeuppance for the hubris of man, that's pretty par for the course in JP movies.

Was he dictating?

It's the package deal baby!

So a T-Rex with a Thagomizer? That could work…

Hell, you could buy things you don't want. You could even buy things to which you are indifferent.

Big Chumbawumba fan.

I enjoyed that. Jeopardy does seem to be having a renaissance (I know I've been watching it religiously lately)

Lester's gone full-on Renaissance Man, and I love it.

The Fargo guys must have all been packing Klobbs for all the good it did them

Are you kidding? That scene was fucking awesome and hilarious. Sure it's unrealistic, but Fargo is doing things I've never seen on TV, and it's glorious. What other show has a badass action setpiece shown entirely through sound and suggestion?

For sure. Gibson and Cruise, no matter how weird or odious in real life, have helped create unassailable bodies of work. People love to dismiss them as crazies, but their involvement in a movie is usually a sure indicator of its quality.

Kevin Kline and Kevin Costner made me laugh quite a bit in it. But just because a movie has some laughs doesn't make it a comedy…I dunno, I'd count it.

I still can't believe Apocalypto got made. Can you imagine a less appealing pitch to a studio?

I agree. Larrick was cool, and I was totally rooting for him (the Jenningses are such dicks). I knew he'd lose, but I wanted him to kick a little more ass along the way…

He probably wanted to make it interesting, and Marvel was all "WHOA THERE, we don't do that!"

Good. Hopefully he does something unique and interesting, and doesn't waste his time with more superhero bullshit.

No way. I've got my own goddamn poolside playlist created. I spent years tracking down the perfect chill-ass songs and arranging them in the perfect order for maximum relaxation and stone-cold vibes.