

"Clever girl"*

I'm imagining we're like the aliens from Independence Day, migrating from planet to planet, sucking their resources dry, then moving on.

Fuck extinction. Let's get those colonies on Mars going.

You can pry this planet from my cold, dead fingers. Humans rule, robots drool.

Yes…but can you LOVE?!

Oh, it's just a fake cloud.

I wish I was behind bars…that's where all the booze is!

Frankly, I'm astounded Martha made it this far.

It's because people are boring as shit, and the only things in their lives they think are interesting are their love lives, which are always UNinteresting.

What in the Goddam fuck?

Is 40 Kg too much or too little?

Is 40 Kg too much or too little?

Batman v. Superman: More Super Hero Bullshit. Whatever. Eat Some Popcorn You Fat Fuck

Take Superman to — Parquet Courts. They put on a killer show.

thanks, missed that.

I hated her when I read the books, so YMMV

Ugh, that was the hardest part of SPR for me. Just brutal.

Sooooo I might be missing something obvious, but what was Malvo's plan vis a vis Chumpf? He could have just killed him without all the fuss…and the cops are going to know foul play was involved, what with all the duct tape. Was the idea just to draw all the cops to that part of town? Was he going to the parking

One of my best friends is named Chazz! This stereotype will not stand.