
They already filled the black person quota.

Probably doesn't even have a magazine.

Titus Andronicus major dark horse.

I've only heard the singles off this so far, but it sounds like they're representative of the whole thing. With this and Beck we have a curious couple of records by fantastic artists that seem intent on boring the pants off of listeners. Where's the energy these days?

Been playing Longer Than You've Been Alive pretty much constantly since it came out. Not too familiar with their other work, but that song is just a perfect booze-soaked rock ballad. They're coming my way in a couple weeks, I should check them out.

Place that side by side with the Daddario gif and that's sploosh city.

That would have been killer.

Haha, but the reveal when it turned out he killed his wife was fucking golden.

That was some brutal shit.

I used to watch this show with my dad, and he would constantly harp on that. "When does he use the bathroom for crying out loud!"

And their background checks on personnel were horrible. Like, half of their employees were fucking terrorist moles. They spawned more terrorist attacks than they prevented!

At least until certain Deltas from Faber college pass them

I really dig that funk version of Thus Spake Zarathustra, or whatever it's called. Real groovy.

Basically it's like when you're a kid and mom says "If you keep bugging me then I'm even less likely to buy you that toy." You're boned either way.

I dunno, that would certainly be memorable.

Damn it, I knew I had a one in two chance without checking.

Gonna have to disagree with your police work there Todd: Colin Hanks's daughter was nigh-unbearable in White House Down (actually the entire movie was). Olympus Has Fallen is the far superior "White House gets buttfucked by terrorists in 2013" movie.

That would be a good feature too.

I swear to God, Wahoo's Fish Tacos has an immaculately curated indie playlist. Like, really good shit.

No doubt, Hate Song is all about the hater, not the song.