H8 Rain

I thought bars were legally required to give out free water.

Too bad they can’t be forced to recall cars for not meeting design or quality standards.

If you feel like games are cheaper and better a year later, maybe stop buying them the day they come out?

As usual, Facebook is the worst and needs to be burned to the ground.

No shit it didn’t work, the idiot wore the wrong glasses

Next season Jeremy, Richard, and James should go on a road trip in an a Viper, a BMW, and an Aston.

The only bad thing about BOTW is that I can’t play it again for the first time. 

I learned to kill almost everything with bombs ...

So they now have models S, 3, X, and Y... heh.

If I’m had to spend $28,000 on what is really a hot hatchback, I’m going to get a GTI.

Usually dicks take up two parking spaces, so this one should be considered polite.

Something’s not right about that bottom 10 list.  Did they somehow forget that Land Rover exists?

A Jag will never strand you on a highway... they just won’t start in your driveway.

Just when you thought that deflated balls were a thing of the past.

I’m all for “weird,” but can we also get back to “less expensive than my first car” or has that ship sailed?

She’s a good girl and has a shiny coat.

Straight Outta Craigslist?

Pretty soon that will be a Farmer’s Insurance ad.

My car cannot be better than my clients

When my oil arrived there was a big scratch on the label. 1/5 stars. I have no thoughts on the quality of the oil itself.