Hear me out. I think this is a fantastic purchase.
Hear me out. I think this is a fantastic purchase.
Came here looking for this. Thanks.
Still planning to obtain one once Im nolonger supporting grimy, pepperidge farm goldfish encrusted ingrates
I for one, really like the X-90. I always called it the shark car.
Not exactly the same thing, but I found a listing on craigslist quite a few years ago. This guy was selling a SNES collection. About 30 games, a console (non yellowing), and a Super Scope. He wanted $300 for everything. Which alone is a good deal, but included in this collection (just to name a few) was Earthbound…
By 8 p.m. on Halloween night, my children have enough candy to last them at least until some Hershey’s kisses show up in their Christmas stocking to replenish their supply all over again.
I worked with the MINI guy when he crashed that car. I will attest that is a 100% true story. There was not a single panel on that car was not damaged.
Hmm, I didn’t know that. Well in that case thanks Gwen. Maybe I shouldn’t pick on David Tracy then (or have I not picked on him enough......)
What I hate is the different sites apparently have separate “white lists” for comments. I can comment on The Takeout and my comment is there and not grayed out. But if I comment on Jalopnik (where I comment a lot more) it is always auto gray.....
Hey I am on a bowling league and I take offense to that.
I thought the McRib and the Monopoly game came around the same time every year. I think they stopped doing the monopoly game though. Not been to McDs in some time.
It’s ok. You can just follow the Canadian example and finance it for 96 months.
Still trying to figure out a way to legally drive with no doors, because it was a seriously fun experience.
I would buy my about to start driving son a car (nothing to lavish, like a Corolla). The rest would go to pay the insurance on it.
That was actually my first thought. Buy literally every Miata. One of every color and year. But that won’t even come close to making a dent in even the after tax amount (It would probably break a million, but i doubt much over that)
I see they were milking this story for all the puns.
If it did, it would probably come in rebadged on another manufacture.
Chevy SSR.....Oh best looking. Sorry
Not me personally, but I used to sell cars and we would be given leads for people that should be in “positive equity”. I got one and it was a 72 mo loan at a WHOPPING 29.99% (our state’s legal max). If this person kept the loan the entire time, they almost paid for the care twice.
There was a phrase I heard a long time ago that has stuck with me. “If you could eat it in one sitting, squish it. Otherwise swerve or hit the brakes”