It was an apathy joke, not a rape joke. They could've inserted any kind of terrible event in place of rape and the joke would've worked. Observe.
It was an apathy joke, not a rape joke. They could've inserted any kind of terrible event in place of rape and the joke would've worked. Observe.
I think there's more than a little irony in the fact that, in the infamous strip, the character makes a reference to "being beaten every day" immediately before the rape line, and that had no fallout at all. Almost identical arguments can be made regarding why that would be offensive - dismissal of, and joke at the…
I don't really want to pile on, since it's a very Internet thing and doesn't really accomplish anything, but from where I'm sitting, it looks like Mike doesn't quite understand why everything has completely blown up in his face, but I don't think it's out of active malice toward anyone. I think the dude just wants to…
At this point the dead horse has been ground into dust by both sides and I wish the topic would just disappear tbh
Very disappointing choice of words in the article. In no way was the Dickwolves thing a "rape joke". Rape was not made light of, nor were rape victims. The whole point of rape in that strip was to depict a horrific scenario - which I think everyone can agree rape is.
They'll find their way to Florida, as long as they don't take that left turn to Albuquerque.
Just remember:
Kamiya can take criticism and wont allow himself to be dead in the water like some Fish.
Well, if there is any fanbase mature enough to handle gender equality....
XenoBlade Chronicles is not "vintage". It's three years old. Does that make Battlefield 3 almost vintage too?
If only they stuck with that idea for the last Devil may Cry game.
Look - there's no denying that the proportions on these characters border on ludicrous, and some of them salaciously so. But rather than making the same argument that it's somehow not that bad, maybe people can A) Admit that it's meant to be sexually provocative, B) Understand that this in no way is representative of…