
yeah yeah but will Dolph Lundren be back

So this means he’ll be in the mid-credits scene, probably saying something like “Turns out that guy wasn’t really the Flash, so I killed him.”

I can see why this had to be a video.

...often catching their prey while they’re asleep.

In fairness, it is a weird torso.

Sleeper Sharks are only sluggish till Angela Lansbury comes along and activates them.

Where was Avatar? - Jesus, who cares? It was garbage.
Two big misses by Marvel – That’s right, it’s all about Lil’ Ms. Marvel now!
What about Alien? – Murray & Dreyfuss, together again...in space...I guess.
Wherefore art thou, DC Extended Universe? – on a farm full of guns, pot and children, apparently.

I’m sorry, but isn’t every employee of every company a “rent-seeker”? Coming from someone who has worked as a Door Dash driver and an employee of a store that uses Door Dash, I would much rather be the employee handing the driver the order than the driver receiving the order.

That “hot dish” has a name, and it’s Brenda, and she does not appreciate being objectified.

I make a decent living off Uber and doordash, if you've never done it keep your opinion to yourself. Just another white knight that no one asked for that ruins things.

Is there some law that says I cannot be skunk-ass drunk in my own home? If I’m having alcohol delivered, yes it DOES probably mean I am in mop shape to get it myself. But so what?

The worst take on this thread by a country mile.

Marvel playing coy with character appearances frustrates the hell out of me. The “surprises” are always spoiled by the marketing department in an attempt to get more people to tune in instead of, y’know, letting them be fun surprises in the story.

And eating them makes your pee smell funny?

I think this answer is more pedantic than the one you replied to lol

Classic Red
Original Red & Yellow
Makeshift Black “suit”
Solid Black Shadowlands
Red and Black Shadowlands
Armored super edgy 90's suit

And that’s not even mentioning all the alt-reality/future versions.

A. I hate all of the interconnectedness that’s become a staple of MCU. (At least both Doom Patrol and Peacemaker have pretty much kept other properties to the outside, and the CW series were pretty much only in amongst themselves.)

There’s also the black ninja outfit

There is a D-Man, he’s a nice guy and he feels a little forgotten right now.

Even free it isn’t worth it if you live in a rural area.

Even free it isn’t worth it if you live in a rural area.