
I think movies like Elektra served to teach our current filmmakers what not to do and how to improve the action medium.

Heh, you keep tweaking my favorites!!! I loved what Edward Lerner did with the continuing adventures of Louis Wu and his whacky aliens. The whole idea of humans raised away from human culture but still learning to fight for their liberty and using their cleverness and ruthlessness when otherwise outmatched is the

I disagree with this one. It’s the same universe but the focal characters change. We don’t need to relearn the science each time or the politics but we get new perspectives.

I read the first two trilogies and listened to the final four most recently released. It definitely dragged. So many interesting ideas if only he’d figured out a way to condense it.

Nicholson outshined Michael Keaton too. The Joker just steals the show.

Good article, but I’ve always known Iron Fist as part of the duo and part of what makes that duo work is that Luke is Black and hip and Danny is White and square. Their friendship defies societal norms - overcomes their different backgrounds. You have to set Danny up first but eventually it’s all a build up to that

Maybe they’ll fix the ending, like The Mist did.

On the Star Trek teleporter question I’ve never forgotten how in the first movie ironically named The Motion Picture, the teleporter fails. They send the signal back to Earth from the Enterprise in Earth orbit (this is my recollection at least). The crew that failed to be teleported were reported dead. Sure if they

Time to binge refresh!!!

MIND BLOWN and a bit disturbed. It’s Vanilla Sky all over again too

They probably already made it back; stupid studios.

Nolan’s Batman was never as impressive as that opening fight sequence!

I was wondering where I left them.

The suit is great, the mask is somehow disturbing and the eyes seem to be in the wrong place. That’s my only complaint.

I’ve been enjoying the Evan Currie Odyssey One series but I’m not a big fan of sci-fi war stories. I’m more interested in Larry Niven style stories exploring what we might discover and how aliens will actually be alien. Yes the Known Space books had some inter-species war but the epic battles were not the point as so

I never left.

Sounds more like the Hero of Canton

Make Mine Marvel

This article reminded me of Robert Adams and his Horseclans novels. I had read that he was also a pornography writer and expected your article so explain that Adams was one of Offutt’s pseudonyms.