
This looks pretty awesome.

New novel ideas for John Carters sailing the seas of hollow Mars

Is that the John Byrne original cover?

I watched this show every week completely convinced Tatiana was a quadruplet at least. Going to miss the show but so pleased with how it ended.

I’m an older fan and I’d be happy if he was the school teacher of the pre Brand New Day story, but going back to the Bugle is going to be a hard swallow.

Well, I’m really, really, really, really, really, unhappy that Peter should be going all the way back to the Daily Bugle. Makes no sense.

I’ve been wrestling with these same concerns, but I have to wonder if a teenager found himself with powers in a world where the Avengers were dominating the TV and youtube and instagram and social media, what would his asperation be?

I promise not to buy this.

It appears as reported that they are not basing the movie on the books but on the next iteration of the cycle. I’m very pleased with this decision and the trailer reinforces that.

Good review. I see Ben’s Scarlett Spider possibly going a similar way as Kaine and Venom, being a more lethal protector; willing to cross lines Peter never would. I am also pleased the costume is probably temporary and attributed to cosplay. That was clever writing.

Silver and Gold clash

I was wondering if it was like the movie The Prestige, coincidental with Rachel Summers’ new name, in which they were copied out of the past at that moment. But I agree they must have been from a parallel universe because otherwise the original five would remember being visited by Blue and Hairy present Beast.

So Aquaman is the DCCU’s answer to Wolverine.

You have to bet Dan Slott is asking himself why he never thought of this.

No Cyclops young and old? Too soon?

When I compare the Iron Fist of the comics which I have only read incompletely and the Netflix show, I think the Netflix show recognized that having Danny come out of K’un Lun with these skills and one particular power and mission should be contrasted by the anger of losing his parents and being the sole survivor. I

Will this be the TV show we hoped Heroes would be?

This is getting expensive.

I have always believed that while a Holocaust survivor, Magneto was Gypsy, not Jewish. Magda certainly seemed to be Gypsy too which is why the now retconned story of Wanda and Pietro being his unborn twin children made so much sense. Did that Avengers storyline confirm also change where Magda fled to (Wundagore

I’ve re-read and relistened to this book in the original and expanded form so many times so what is exciting to me is the idea that the TV show will add new material to the experience.