Happiness Patrol

Assange washed his hair...that’s a plus!.

It’s money and fame. He’s desperate to maintain both. Whatever integrity he had to start this project, it’s all gone.

Something is obviously wrong with Assange. He’s disintegrating from an intellectual and journalistic point of view. Perhaps it has something to do with his confinement. But the bottom line is simple: he can’t be trusted.

Her office was only being a delegate to a state convention with absolutely no responsibility or much of anything except going to one meeting once each term. Also, Trump has been making unsuccessful runs for POTUS since 1988 (this is at least his 4th shot), so he gets the prize for longest/most futile attempts at

Also a good diagram of “unwillingness to pander to the ridiculous anti-vaccine community.”

What? No WKRP in Cincinnati?

Taipei (capital city of Taiwan), voted in a surgeon for mayor and he’s been nothing but a disaster. So I’d suggest those looking for “outsiders” see how other places fared.

I think you need to switch Stein and Trump there, but yeah.

God help me if you aren’t right. In “qualified* to be President,” the order goes:

Once again for the cheap seats in the back: Gary Johnson originally won his seat as governor by a split in the progressive vote, and proceeded to tank the state with his “policies.” His policies were basically vetoing every piece of legislation that crossed his desk.

This comment deserves all the stars. It’s amazing. It is the best comment.

the GOP let the horse out of the barn a long time ago but only now is closing the doors. Except it wasn’t really a horse, but a mangy goat covered in rotten marmalade who thinks he’s a unicorn.

Guy spends his entire life pretending to be a tough guy, thinks that gives him the right to pass judgment on anybody else.

Yeah, that’s the takeaway, Clint. He’s a racist NOW. Jesus.

Even if he were 100% correct, I’d still feel better about being a pussy than being an asshole.

Dear Clint,

Was I the only one who rooted against Ducky in Pretty in Pink in favor of James Spader?

I hate the term friendzone.

I prefer the much more descriptive Masterbation Alley.

One. I never wear underwear (including bras) more than once without washing it.