
I cook both all the time, but neither require butter. With a non-stick skillet, all you need is water, salt, low heat, and a good scraper.

Shalebridge Cradle from Thief Deadly Shadows. Never forget.

Sounds like fun despite the chaos... I’m about to start playing D&D w/ a group of friends from work. My char? A half-elf bard w/ roguish skills.

No reason to finish playing through it, then. Uninstalled. Having played through ME 1-3, I’ve gotta say the difference in quality was noticeable throughout in ME:A.

Hidden & Dangerous 2 belongs on this list imho

My main drag at work... I miss the deli that used to be on the left, they had the greatest lunch buffet. Now it’s a crappy pop-up store space.