it’s important to uphold the “myth” of white male privilege - how else will the POC and, more important, the WOC, accept their failures? You gotta blame someone other than that ol’ reflection in the mirror...
it’s important to uphold the “myth” of white male privilege - how else will the POC and, more important, the WOC, accept their failures? You gotta blame someone other than that ol’ reflection in the mirror...
“Any white person whose ancestral relations trace to the American South now risks being characterized as having roots based on bigotry and undeserved privilege.” <—- yep.
“Are you a boy or a girl?” to which the student replied, “Neither. I’m androgynous.”
the amount of back fat in those pictures could season enough black-eyed peas for a nation of thousands
Students and their families are aware of the honor code and its rules when they choose to attend the school. They agree to the code and understand they will be subject to consequences if found in violation of it. I fail to see how this is a Title IX or a victim-blaming issue. If I was sexually assaulted while…
Nope. All the time Jezebel posts stories about creeps who aren’t and are famous/ aren’t and are connected to famous people doing abhorrent shit. So in that regard this definitely is news and has precedence.
Whew..that was a GOOD one. Thanks for the laugh.
I look forward to the upcoming article on The Observer, “Is Jezebel Enabling The Jezebel Writer That Accused The Observer Of Enabling The Observer Writer Who Called Jezebel ‘Gender Conflating Skanks’?”
To be honest - I consider all of the publications mentioned (that I am familiar with) to be a cross between tabloids and opinion blogs.
Hyzagi’s castration complex showed up clearly with the Elle debacle.
That’s pretty funny, actually.
Yes. Everybody who disagrees with you is a troll.
Unless the hot tub had a small amount of very hot oil in it, she did not get “sautéed” or anything even roughly equivalent.
The “I got swept up” defense? If “affluenza” worked, perhaps this one will too.
I can’t imagine watching my friend (at any age) get brutalized and not do anything about it - even if I put my own safety at risk. Period. To me this girl is a guilty as the rapist.
The Wendy Williams approach to documentation
“You don’t want to lose track of the fact that she’s a high school student and she and her friend were clearly taken advantage of,” Shamansky told the New York Times.
Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid other women will live stream their rape.
boiled, not sauteed.