
What point? Poor helpless womyn?

Where does students matter $$ come from? A direct attack on tenure of teachers instead of the distribution of the teachers and funding seem like a strange move for a group hoping to make schools better

There’s an unfortunate nugget of truth to it, though. Men are more likely to rape in scenarios with lots of alcohol, and women are more likely to be chosen as victims when inebriated.

I agree, it’s like the whole backlash over that nail polish that helped detect drugs on your drink, in an ideal world men wouldn’t rape, but we don’t live in an ideal world, and even tho we teach them that rape is wrong, there will always be a bad apple, we need to take care of ourselves.

I still hate the premise of

What do you mean a great serpent laid an egg and from it the Earth was hatched, you loin-clothed heathen? A bearded white dude willed it into existence over a six-day period, and then took a Sunday nap, and that’s why we can’t shop for liquor on that day. GET SERIOUS.

“Rapists will find opportunity, regardless of what you do.”

“Reflect on it while taking a lengthy and thorough shower, perhaps do some laundry while you contemplate.”

That’s reasonable, but let’s not pretend that it’d come close to solving the problem now. That’s a long-term social change that absolutely needs to be worked on, but in the meantime mitigation measures need to be put in place—and that means denying rapists the opportunity to commit rape. No metaphor is ever going to

I’m arguing that people should take equal responsibility for oh, I dunno, NOT RAPING PEOPLE.

And FWIW, there’s been plenty of teaching bros that what they’re doing is wrong. A certain percentage of them—the ones who, BTW, commit the majority of sexual assaults—do not care. Since we don’t and won’t have precogs who can identify these predators and either provide them with intense psychological treatment or

There’s a saying about horses and water.

One of the best pieces of advice I ever heard, which we should be telling men and women is “When you get drunk, get high, etc, you put your safety into the hands of others.” I actually read this on a travel blog. This is something everyone should think about, are you able to effectively evaluate your safety? If not,

I am always amused at the irony of people who are generally on the left end of the political spectrum immediately declaring that the only solution is for men to be more righteous, and that it’s unfair and misogynistic to ask women not to make themselves vulnerable to precisely the sort of men who are least likely to

Considering that fraternities have for decades explicitly plied women with free alcohol for the purpose of getting them drunk enough to “consent” (or just to pass out) so bros can fuck them, that’s not necessarily bad advice!