
My theory as to why she couldn’t sing: She is ‘spanxed up’ so tight she could barely breath.

I still don’t understand why no one is talking about her outfit. there’s two layers of visible illusion netting - one up around the top of the bodysuit and another below her boobs. WHY?!

... the performance, her attire, her general attitude - yeah. He would have. NEXT.

Clearly Mariah needs to hire Kellyanne Conway.

Ooo did I huwt yow poow widdle feewings? Mebby you can go soke dem in someting soothing. Wike wemon joose.


Your Queen, Jezes.


Mariah used to be a talented lady with big tits but now she’s just got big tits.

Congratulations, between our two comments we’ve just summarized the plot of the recent Joseph Gordon-Levitt/Scarlett Johansson vehicle, “Don Juan” (originally, and much better, titled “Don Juan’s Addiction”).

I am rarely moved to comment but this is just absurd. I would say the issue isn’t what porn a man likes to watch, it’s you insisting on being a victim because you are offended. Don’t try to push off being offended like it’s a legitimate threat to women’s safety. There are many actual issues women face and the fact

I wish I was gay as well so I could avoid crazy bigoted women like fluffy, who are likely to be emotionally abusive because god forbid a guy have standards and opinions and interests of his own. But we all have to sort through the bad ones like that. The male and female populations are qual parts asshole.