
It’s pretty ridiculous to say that Christians “appropriated” the Hebrew bible when Christianity is literally an offshoot of Judaism (I can’t speak to Islam, no idea really how they incorporate the Hebrew bible). So when our messiah came, were we supposed to scrap the “history” of our people and come up with some other

Not really, technically all Christians should celebrate all Jewish holidays.

The one example of appropriation that really offends me is that one midieval cult that stole one of the holy books, discarded the rest, added their own schtick, used it all to justify a bunch of general assholery, and have the chutzpah to claim a shared heritage/belief system.

If they were white Christians I’d find it less funny, because I feel like you don’t get to intermittently attempt genocide over several centuries and then turn around and write a comedy sketch about the people your ancestors tried to exterminate.

To be fair, here in Boston the St. Paddy’s Day parade is hugely attended by the very Irish folks of South Boston...who use it as an excuse to drink until they puke and can hardly walk.

All Saints Day is another name for Dia de los Muertos. So who gets to “claim” the rituals and rites from it?

Why does it have to be just white people who does cultural appropriation? Have you seen the appropriation they do Asia? Especially in countries like Japan? Anything goes in Japan. ANYTHING.

No, that’s just racism. I think cultural appropriation is nonsense. Nobody has ownership of these things. The problem isn’t white people wearing cornrows, the problem is that black people are denigrated for wearing cornrows, while white people aren’t. That’s just plain racism at work. The concept of “cultural

Admission: I like it when people appropriate my culture. It feels like acceptance. Is that odd?

was there any investigation to determine if Dr. Sears was hit on the head with a hammer?

Well, you guys did burn down York (now Toronto) first.

Conversely, I'd say 60% of America doesn't know who he is....

This is the perfect response for how much it’s gonna burn her attention-seeking ass up.

I refuse to watch that tripe, so can someone tell me... do her friends and family call her ‘Blac Chyna’ or just ‘Blac’ or just ‘Chyna’ or what. What the hell do you call someone who insists on going by such a ludicrous name?

That baby gonna be born with scales, hoofs, and a forked tongue. Study it out.

I love your art and disagree firmly (cough cough) with the message.

I agree with you fully, and I appreciate your well thought out answer. However, I think you are kind of demonstrating my point by giving a balanced and nuanced view that takes into consideration cultural, racial and social histories instead of simply screaming “RACISM!!!!” and being done with it, which was the full

Like anyone at Gawker Media is going to willingly overcome cultural ignorance when presented with the opportunity to reflexively scream RACISM!

LMAO. The super racist blackface thing is actually a folkloric character called Boneca de Piche or “Nega Maluca”. Comes from an old story about a man who’s trying to catch a monkey that’s stealing his bananas so he makes this doll that he falls in love with (and in some versions gets trapped inside of). Doesn’t make

i think in my personal experience, guys say hey after sex because they want to make sure i am still a speaking, thinking human and not an actually lifeless starfish (despite what the previous 3 minutes may have indicated)