There’s no real evidence that you can make someone do anything under hypnosis against their will. It’s not mind control.
There’s no real evidence that you can make someone do anything under hypnosis against their will. It’s not mind control.
This is not at all how I thought clinical hypnosis worked. I wrote a short film about it a few years ago. Everyone I spoke to said that you don’t lose consciousness and commanding people to forget things does not work. I absolutely believe these women were assulted. I just don’t understand how.
I thought you can’t be hypnotized against your will. This whole case sounds sketch. There are no magic mind controlling people out there.
Or bad sitcoms where the star goes to a hynotist nightclub show and gets on stage and thinks he can’t be hypnotized but later every time a bell rights he farts or something.
Wasn’t this supposed to not be possible? I thought this only happened on The Mentalist.
Yes, Donald Trump is AWFUL. Scary awful.
Not our election, huh? OK. I won’t bother voting at all. Good luck!
Who the fuck cares? Why would you even write a story about this? College men are sexually attracted to college females? Ohh shit, call the cops. If the women’s team did this to the men’s team, you would be calling it “empowering”.
BREAKING: In an unprecedented turn of events, hormonal college boys engage in innocuous crude banter among themselves about girls.
You’re making this comment on a site that regularly asks its readers if they would fuck some random dude political/public figure. Usually played for laughs.
So this is actual locker room talk?
You must not read this site very much then.
In other news, water is wet.
I’m black, and I am having a hard time being offended by his statement. Can someone who is white explain this to me?
This is one of the more disturbing non-gory things I’ve seen, but I have serious doubts about the constitutionality of any charges he’s facing.
It’s also specifically illegal to wear a “mask or disguise” as part of an effort to keep others from exercising their civil rights, an aspect of the law likely put into place because of the Ku Klux Klan
besides facing criminal charges will be subject to an internal student-conduct investigation
So this guy gets arrested for being a racist fuck-wad... and how exactly is Trump still at large?!? He is always walking around with that pumpkin mask on encouraging violence against muslims, latinos and other minorities.
As much as I disagree with the BLM economic platform and some of what they’ve done on college campuses (see below), blatantly racist guys like this aren’t exactly helping.