
No. Age of consent laws apply to sex with ADULTS. They do not apply to children of near the same age.

Did comeonpoppet actually read what she cited? Then point out which clause applies to two eight year olds having sex...

Did you actually read that? Then point out which clause applies to two eight year-olds having sex.

They can with another child of about the same age. Full stop.

Did you actually read that? Then point out which clause applies to two eight year olds having sex.

There is NOTHING in the law that prevents two children from engaging in what we call sex. What are you going to do, throw both in jail?

Exactly. There have been no known threats of force.


We don’t know how old he was. If he was near her age then no, there is no problem from that perspective.

Two kids can consent to sex yes.

She was eight, which is like 3rd grade.


What rape?

Rubbish. There is no claim other than he wants to keep having sex and she doesn’t. “Leaving” is not abuse in any respect.

Does she call playing doctor sex?

Groomed by who? We don’t know anything about the boyfriend, age or otherwise.

She didn’t say she had sex at 8. I had “GFs” at 8, but no sex obviously.

Very dumb. She never says how old the boyfriend is, and you just assume he’s older than her. In any case she’s 18 now, not a child.

And she did everything wrong.

Looks like twins marrying.