
Last night’s episode was, yes. I’ll totally agree.

That is the most polite “fuck you” I’ve read in a very long time.

That is the most polite “fuck you” I’ve read in a very long time.

Ditto. Mine has already paid for itself. 

Ditto. Mine has already paid for itself. 

This is a much truer statement. Yin and Yang, Rosenthal and Bourdain.

AND, it’s the 50th anniversary of that novel. How serendipitous!

For me, I like making pozole, but I prefer to eat menudo. 

Mariscos and being hung over is not a good combo for me. Now, *while* drinking is different story.

I thought the same when I read it. I was like, ok, this is weird and kinda off putting, but kinda offensively funny too... then come to realize when poking online that it was not a joke.... yeesh...

The Bosch is coming up as $150.00

The Bosch is coming up as $150.00

Now playing

I always thought this video gave a good breakdown of overall “creepy” and why clowns are sometimes considered as such

I’ve not stopped laughing. People in my office are giving me looks. 

That’s what I wonder whenever someone says that at well. Like... yeah, there’s similarities, but there are waaaaay more differences between the two.

God, that movie was awful. Great set pieces not a movie make. 

Excellent!! Very glad to hear :)

Better. Much much better. 

I do pretty much that with a few jalapenos thrown in.  

I’m reading these comments and the above mentioned recipe, and I'm like, wtf, do I need to pull the Chicano card here or something? Yeesh. 

Operation: Zero Tolerance, talk about a blast from the past. That story line solidified my love of Iceman and Marrow.

Maybe it's because my expectations were so low, but I ended up really liking it. 

When The Office was on, I'd tell people this all the time and I'd get these looks like I was crazy. And I was like, fuckers, have you WATCHED the show?!