
God I hope so

Lawn darts?  Really?!?  I would hardly put them in the same category as seat belts or vaccines.

Some people take the acknowledgement of those problems to the extreme of “Get rid of video replay altogether!” But those opinions can be duly noted and safely ignored.

Initially I hated U.S. Acres, but eventually I grew to enjoy those segments just as much as Garfield... and in some episodes they were even better than the Garfield segment.

Agree to disagree, golf on fox sucks donkey balls.

Seems like a lot of umps have been taking their lumps this season, time to bring back the big foam blockers!

Good Time for the ‘ole Hidden Ball Trick?

Glad he’s not pitching inside, no one needs to get fisted in that situation.

ha ha ... that’s what she said

Not to mention the benefits being Gabrielle Union’s milkman... giggity!

When I moved several years ago I sadly discovered my local McDonald’s never offers the EggNog Shake & I don’t think they do the Shamrock Shake either...

I like ketchup, I also like other sauces. A few years back I found a few Heinz flavored ketchups in the supermarket, a jalapeno and a balsamic... loved them both-- just wish I could find them again.

I can’t stop laughing at this comment!

This post is terrible for not one, but TWO god awful vertical cell phone videos...

I would be interested in aquavit, as well as any aquavit cocktails.

New Jack Swing Offense?

used to play that game on Nintendo all the time!  But was much more fun in the arcade where you could whip the wheel around on those 180 degree turns.  Super Sprint was good as well (but didn’t feature women in bikinis)

Best 2 person strategy for Lucky & Wild:

Had our work Holiday Party at an arcade bar last year, hopped on Simpsons as 3 much younger coworkers were still on the first level. I would not let any of them leave until we finished the game-- 10 yr old me was in awe as we beat the the final boss.
