
You know I wouldn’t be opposed to automakers putting in some kind of no resale clause, for maybe like 6 months after purchase. you have dealers marking them up, because moron WILL pay that markup, then you have people buying them for the sole purpose of reselling for more than they paid, which you KNOW dealers pay

The whole thing was a big joke.

Mitsubishi has reinvented the MOLAB.

Heck, Greg Abbott’s way ahead of him!  He’s letting civilians do the killing, and pardons them for it!

Thanks for the information, I would not have known this otherwise. We could at least give them their phones back, though!

Exactly spot on - it’s a shitshow, but it’s the same shitshow all over due to International law, nothing special going on here. There are stories about crew stuck on ships for YEARS.

It’s all slightly more complicated than that... This is from another comment on a Gizmodo article.. 

I’m not normally one to defend cops, but in this case it seems like Scottie felt entitled to driving outside the limits of the road to get around emergency responders at the site of a FATAL ACCIDENT. Even if I decide to try something like that, if there is any indication that a paramedic, fire, search and rescue or

I guess the comment about sending out pizza in a boat wasn’t sarcastic enough? 

But what has there been to operate while it has been stationary for 2 months. I’m not saying there isn’t stuff that needs to be done, but that would be helpful information when to the general public it seems like those guys are just sitting around playing cards and watching tv, and if so why do they have to do it on

OMG.  Of course they are providing them with food.  Jesus christ, do you think it’s simply a bunch of guys starving to death?  

I don’t get the last paragraph. Are we supposed to feel differently because he’s good at golf?

Seems like a clear cut case of this guy thinking rules don’t apply to him, hope he didn’t mess up the investigation. Can’t imagine this happening in a sport now owned by Saudis.

No amount of athletic prowess excuses breaking laws and putting anyone in danger of very serious injury for your convenience.

More importantly Boeing doesn’t even make the engines. If this is a factory/design issue, then it’s a GE, Pratt & Whitney, or Rolls Royce problem.

Only in America do we people such as yourself spouting off false information.  Turn off Faux News.

The US allows anyone and everyone in the world to cross our southern borders

That or Illinois; anyone who has ever driven in Chicago knows what I mean!

Great point, dipshit!

The fact that Florida and Texas are not  numbers 1 and 2 let alone even on the list, invalidates the entire study.