
Understeer... Its whats for dinner!

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Plenty of memories Mr Orlove... and a few stories... but not sure how "good" they would be to folks who weren't there and didn't know the participants. How about I give you my Favorite Car Story for starters:

Well, you all can hate or laugh or whatever... because the dude in the pink shirt coming in at the 3:35 mark... That is me.

Helmets are for wimps

You forgot "Drinks own piss"

Only the first stage did not run on LOX and H2, it ran on LOX and Kerosene. Per Wikipedia:

But there's one issue that needs no research: eight-year-olds should not have unsupervised access to loaded guns. Period. End of discussion. This debate over video game violence needs to be secondary to the debate over real violence. When Louisiana police imply that Grand Theft Auto IV caused this tragedy—and when the

Ummm.... Have any of you actually been NEAR a hovercraft? The noise is like a small plane. This must be a delayed April Fools. Note that they never really have ambient audio in the clip.

The matching hats are a nice touch

What is with the purple (or is it green and only looks purple for some reason) laser???

I has a sad...

Buddy of mine took this photo on the way to work (his wife was driving). Lady eating some sort of Chinese food out of a dish with one of those spoons you see at Chinese restaurants. Yeah... she was doing about 40MPH


Or I just suck at using the web... 'cause it's not gone.

And the video is gone... shocker

The flying AMC Matador: