
Forecast for tomorrow:

They laughed at my job. I laughed at their screams!

It’s elementary: blue plus yellow equals green.

Man it’s really a shame you couldn’t have captured the act on camera then posted that video on here.

Don’t worry about resources. They’re getting the aliens in the next star system to pay for it.

The fate of trillions of beings depends on whether they purchased the Standard or Professional edition of Microsoft Project.

Hey guys.......what does this button do ?????

I agree. Stories about the LHC always seem to draw me in like a giant magnet.

I still think that the LHC is a smashing success.

I love you guys. Unabashedly.

Wake up and smell the roses - not everyone lives in a country where the content IS AVAILABLE.

The “terrorism is happening so I should be able to break copyright” is an annoying argument.

GARTFA - aka go and read the f***ing article. There is literally one sentence to read OMFG.

Don’t forget blind faith and willful ignorance. Gotta have that too.

I can’t wait for the day when I sit my great-great-great-great grandchildren’s children upon my shiny, robotic lap, and tell them a story of how like barbarians, the pre-post-biological humans would cruelly harvest meat from diseased and dead animals.

In all seriousness... Can you explain why?

worms can be pretty tasty

I think it’s going to be baffling to people in a few hundred years that we weren’t repulsed by the idea of eating factory-farmed animal flesh, but were grossed out by this artificial meat.

I wish it was not over.