
Just don’t break them

This. Has my seal of approval.

Jump in the water and calmly explain vegetarianism to the orcas.

If you are Canadian, you take it clubbing!

unlimited is to wireless carriers as natural is to food manufactures

This right here is Fantastic Gawker Media, well done

Seriously, this just blew my mind.

This actually a really nice article. Congrats

Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.

My god. I want this, for some strange reason, very badly.

Please tell me it jams your fingers down into the compartment and mangles your hand. I want to see the lawsuit that the would-be thief will levee against the owner and RR. Gotta love ‘Merica.

Lesson learned, if you are going to steal one, get a firm grip first.

I’m not an Obama fan personally, but can we just keep him for 1 more year and start this election over? The rules are: If you have run for prez in the last decade you can not run again.

you could argue that variances in DNA are just a “few lines of code”

Here I should clarify that I despise coyness and code-speak and that if you ask me whether I “party” the answer will be “not with you”

Life hack: if your answer is “no,” then the meaning of the question becomes irrelevant

Wow. I hope you never get a job that deals with other people’s money.


This just goes to show how smart the Wellers are. I mean, why spend your own money on hookers and blow when other people will just give it to you?