
"Michael Jackson, meet Jake Lloyd!"
I think George Lucas chose the right guy.

Don't you just want to hear those rejected Michael Jackson auditions?

I agree. But do you think China would loan some hackers' services to N. Korea if favors/money were exchanged under the table? That is the scenario I am imagining.

They could be Chinese. They are allied with N. Korea and are very skilled hackers.

I don't want to see a Hollywood celebrity lecturing me about anything ever again. When push came to shove, Hollywood ran away like the pampered cowards they truly are and didn't stand behind their art.

I know the whole "If ____, the terrorists win" has become cliche, but
sometimes it is true. I think some young people posting here may
not have memories of what life was like before 9/11 and just how much
freedom we have lost.
I saw commenters on another site saying, "It's
good theaters are refusing to show this

I know, that part was not directed at you, that was directed at the OP.

We also will no longer depict the profit Mohammed, we apparently cannot show former dictators in video games now without getting sued, and after this incident we will certainly be walking on eggshells on how we depict foreign leaders in the media. (Expect a lot of "Val Verde"-type fictional enemy countries in future

I remember talk of a possible live-action Krusty spinoff way back in the day. Now I know what that was all about.

I bought Seasons 1-8 on DVD. That's about all I have. I can't think of any other Simpsons merchandise I would buy unless they did those seasons on Blu-ray or finally put the Tracy Ullman episodes on DVD/Blu-ray.

Like Gilda Radner.

My 94 year old grandmother is now broke thanks to this man and others like him that are preying on the elderly. The government is doing nothing to protect these vulnerable people. A mere 10 years is not enough in my opinion.
For those that say these victims deserved it, some day these will be your parents buying

That episode has been pulled from the South Park website.