
So I manage a hotel with a swimming pool. As mentioned, alkalinity is a stabilizer the prevents pH from wildly swinging up or down the spectrum. In turn that allows the chlorine to work as intended. It takes about 30 seconds to test a swimming pool’s total alkalinity. And that is using the most basic, primitive

The genius of the “WTF am I doing here” to “coy smile, hello...” is transcendent.

I’m glad my view from atop this horse is because I didn’t help murder anyone.

If only it were just a joke.

I fixed that for you.

The first thing that went through my head, “Sure, you guys waived an UDFA. How brave.”
God I’m cynical.

They didn’t just shrug it off, they took care of the matter and punished the female student.

Glad they really changed the culture around there. Things were starting to look bad.

You do realize you are critiquing the technique of a bunt in a parody video??

No. When people say stupid anti-science shit, Gizmodo writes about it.

Coworker of the cosplayer; I saw the whole thing go down. So perhaps I can clarify a few things I’ve seen brought up in other comments:

Dad surprises his son with a cool gift, while taking him to his baseball game, then tells him he loves him while they cry together. You’re a soulless prick.

So he did everything ‘wrong’, but the police DIDN’T execute him? Hmmmm...maybe if more encounters were leavened with police restraint, like this one, citizens wouldn't fear lethal consequences to what should be a routine interaction. Good on these police.

Jerry Sullivan is a sports columnist who writes for The Buffalo News. If a player is black and gets in any kind of trouble (Marcell Dareus), he labels them as selfish and a cancer that the organization should dismiss. When a white player repeatedly proves he’s a goddamn piece of shit scum bag (Pat Kane), he sucks his

I dont consider it “questioning” so much as “pointing it out” “mocking it” and “expressing outrage that it was allowed to happen.”

Has anyone even confirmed that Kevin Fitzgerald is real?

It’s sad that him actually being kicked off the team was surprising news to me, instead of a foregone conclusion.

You know, Childress subjected us to some truly bizarre motivational things over the years, but I have to say, what the fuck did I just watch?

I don’t think their servers can handle a brazillian more players.

Lord, this is some nouveau riche bullshit. Regular people don’t need this and won’t buy something that’s just going to jam up the washing machine when you forget it’s on the towel.