
We spent over two years looking for a house and put in over 6 offers during that time, including waiving inspections on a few and shelling out a few hundred each time.

When I was young I didn’t see color. I grew up in Hawaii and everyone was so tanned, they were “black” as in so tan. I thought black people were just really tan. I’m also Asian, and couldn’t distinguish between white, Asian, Hawaiian - anything. I couldn’t pick a black person out of the crowd until I was probably 12.

I like friends! 34, Seattle.

You were a kid. If you told someone, it should have been your parents who could call CPS. The fact that you heard it from your parents is sad - those are the adults who are supposed to be the enforcers - not you. Your mom was supposed to call the cops not the child.

I had a miscarriage and the nurse inserting my IV for the D&C procedure asked me, “oh is this a disappointment? You never know nowadays.”

I don’t want to bone her. I said I wouldn’t mind looking like her (do you not see her dewy complexion?), not that I want to have sex with her.

Really? Bad, bad, bad. That's terrible to hear.

Don’t care what gender or what anyone is or prefers - but how old is that model? She’s legal...right?

Why not publish a photo of Dylann Roof, the racist shooter of those nine victims? Don’t bury the lede.


You know, Will and Kate are downright middle class when compared to people I have worked for, with their five housekeepers, private planes, five nannies, and multitude of security. Obv not saying they are, but really, compared to other super-rich, they're really pretty chill.

I know a lot of people on here love them, but I hated mine. Terrible cramping (early labor-like pains) every time I ovulated, so bad I thought I had ovarian cysts. I’ve had two kids and it reminded me to labor pains. But...other people love them. I need hormonal BC to maintain a decent mental state, and i know a lot

“There’s a misconception about the ethnicity of the original character and we felt no obligation to perpetuate that misconception. We looked at Native American actresses. We looked at African-American actresses. We looked at African actresses. We looked at Middle Eastern actresses. White actresses. After a very


The craft is being remade? These are ways I tell I'm getting old. That and the fact that my shoes from high school are making a comeback, as well as fanny packs. Also Birkenstocks. I just don't even know how to process it all.

I know I kept trying to add it then when that failed couldn’t delete. Damn kinja! I got it! Maybe user error, dur.

Swimsuit question! Will this cut into back fat? I really love the front of this but worrying the back will be too lump inducing. I’m not a sunbather - I chase after little boys and go down water slides when we are able to go to pools, but I’m not back to pre-mommy firmness. I be soft. Thoughts?

I think it’s easy to fall in love but finding “the one” essentially means you find the person that you’re willing to work for that’s willing to work for you. Maybe that sounds too clinical, but I’ve been with my husband for 15 years, married for 7, and last year almost to the date you would have found me on this

I would be the business team you are referring to. It sounds like a daunting - yet challenging! - task. But financially I think potentially fulfilling? As well as interesting and possibly very fulfilling in helping cancer patients maintain fertility options, etc., as well as helping people with their dreams.

My husband absolutely felt the guilt when he went back to work after I had the babies. His paternity leave was 3 weeks the first time and None the second. He almost quit his second job immediately when he had to go back but he was the only one working at the time.