
There's a lot of having sex/leaving with other people in his books, but going back to the one he was meant to be with. As his wife, I'm not sure I'd enjoy that constant leaving and coming back.

EFFFF!!! Today was the first day in like two years I had a Doritos locos taco!!! Poop. I could've gotten it for free.

This so reminds me of this. (it makes my son cry when he talks about the poor fox).

I was sitting and waiting for my Korean Food take-out and on the TV was a Korean music competition where a girl killed this song. I mean, she was so good her voice caused me to break free from my iphone's screen and look up. My jaw dropped. I've heard this song eight billion times (2 kids under 5) but wow. The

This is the best non-comedic comment I've read on Jezebel in years.

Bah that's nothing. I just deleted 929 pictures of the car roof my 2 year old took in a couple minutes.

Ok, I'm totally in the minority but I love this and want to see it. I also just watched the Cinderella trailer and am dying to see that too. Whatev, I love Blake Lively, I love Taylor Swift, take away my feminist badge and throw me to the wolves.

You made me snort my Twix out my nose.

I was going to say I don't recall the last time I saw a picture of her actually looking genuinely happy. Props to her for being happy naked!

You are correct! Here in Seattle, we have a serious hipster fascination with a place called Serious Biscuit.

Here's a story about a shitty rich kid trick or treater!

I think that everytime I see this picture

I was a bartender once at a dive bar, where one of the specials was pints of PBR for $2, and a pony (about 5 oz) for $1. One night this young guy comes in and asks what a pint of PBR costs. $2 I say. He hesitates, and asks if there's anything cheaper. I say we have 5oz glasses for $1. He asks for one of those, I

Actually, I thought the opposite. I thought he was trying to clarify that just because he didn't have a place to stay doesn't mean he was ever to the point that homeless people are - not because he's trying to separate himself from it, but because it would feed into the myth that many homeless people could "make

From what I understood, decontamination of the entire school to make sure everything was sanitized. fwiw, I'm ok with keeping my kid out of school for one day if they want to clean the shit out of it.

BABES IN THE WOOD. My husband was so mad when we read that story (part of a larger compilation of nighttime stories). "Wait a second, why are we reading to our son a story about parents who abandon their kids in a forest to die...and they really die?"

My Apple TV doesn't work consistently and I prefer not having to replace home automation things like my Nest with something that has issues and needs to be replaced every over year. I prefer to know if something is wrong without waiting for the apple TV to connect...then disconnect...then...wait for it. Unplug.

They just don't seem fun to me. They seem stressful. I'm pretty sure I backed away from all super stressful people in my life a few years ago...

I agree - worked in the well of a restaurant (only one well) and during full nights the rail was full and my drink tickets were curling on the floor with a full line that I was already making - I only have two hands people and yes, I can make 5 drinks at a time, but i can't make 50. People don't seem to get that.

Kate Winslet and Leo DiCaprio - I mean seriously. Why do I like them so much? Oh right. (Even though I'm one of the hold-outs that will never see Titanic). They remind me of old time movie stars.