
We didn't have a wedding party, but my best guy friends were my official beverage refilled during the wedding. One of them got my husband and I flasks with our initials and date engraved on them - it was great.

That is exactly what I want to do - move away (again), impose boundaries, and not let them control my life.

I'm thinking about my children, and while yes they have a good relationship with my parents (so far, he's only 21 months old), I'm extremely worried about the influence they will have on them. The cult my father is in has broken my family, and he constantly talks about how he wants my son to "know the spiritual truth

What are my responsibilities to those who love and care for us? That is what I'm trying to figure out. Do I owe my parents because they gave me life? A lot of people think so, and that's something I just don't quite understand.

So I know I need to see a therapist about this, but it it ok to need to cut ties/distance oneself from parents that in every way have been ideal? They paid for private school, all of college, like to buy stuff for me and my family, try to take care of all of our needs - but are controlling through money (father) or

lightweight - sipping a shot

Sidenote - I saw an article today that said, "Sandusky labeled "likely pedophile" in 1998"!, and I was like whoa! How would anyone support Santorum when he...oh. Not the same guy.

BDSM vs Public...I fantasize about BDSM but it never plays out well. Maybe I should give it another shot. Public is fun though.

Sure-Footed blowjobs? Anyone else visualize a Centaur?

Husband and I were just discussing rice and Japanese people - historically the masu (box that you drink sake out of) used to be the measurement of rice that a person would eat in the day. Note, this was back in the day - but I mentally calculated how many calories they consumed between that and a bit of fish, and I

Oh no. I love AnnaSophia Robb, I think she's gorgeous and so incredibly talented (see: Bridge to Terebithia, etc.) and I am sad to see her in a trite Sex and the City spin-off. Maybe it will be great, but girl, don't channel SJP because she was my least favorite character by the end of the show. (I like

Oh hai, Spot Conlon. And a young Bill Pullman, yum. Christian Bale too, what the hell.

This is awesome. I'm filing it away for when my boys get older. I never got a sex talk and the only period talk I got was "if I use tampons I will die", so it's useful for me to see how other parents deal with it.

It's a generational thing. Because I'm old (30) and your friends seem weird to me in their intensity towards Facebook. I'm sure they're super nice, but Facebook really is just an extension of high school popularity contests.

My family, when I worked for them, did the same thing. I'd order a salad, they'd pick up everyone's lunch orders along with an extra 4-pack of cupcakes just for me. My mom went to target every weekend and bought huge bags of candy she passed out in the office. People would ask me what I want to order for lunch and

When my husband and I first got together, we both wanted to try anal - him because he watched anal porn, and me because I had a gay best friend who loved it and I was curious. Unfortunately, since my boyfriend had only seen it done on pornos, he thought that quick insertion was the best method - like it happens in

Has he ever even read erotica? Because I've read some pretty awesome, deviant erotica that was written by women that makes 50 Shades of Grey seem tame.

So you think people are lying to themselves and are too ignorant to know what they want, and you're also saying you don't know what they want (as you said to oja) who do you propose knows what that person wants?

This freaks me out because of the child pornography aspect. I have two boys, and I will be telling them to erase any pictures sent to them immediately due to this. I also have a husband who works in restaurants, and he comes home more than I like with stories of how the teenage hostesses sent all the unmarried men