
I don't fall in with the Taylor Swift and Blake Lively hate - they're just pretty girls who are...pretty. I think they're probably pretty nice in person too. I like that Taylor writes her own music - and yes it is candy shit but seriously. I re-read my journals from when i was that age, and before I became all

Congrats on the new job! 6 months of solid work is a good chunk of time to be at a job, so I'm sure it will be fine. What are you planning on doing with the baby when you go back? daycare?

So you told them after they officially hired you? I was thinking of waiting until the 2nd interview. Were they at all shocked - because they'd have to find someone to cover for that time you're out. A big difference is though that you plan on taking a very short maternity leave, and I am being a baby about it

The job I want is at a private school that will help with tuition for one child - so yes if I get that I'm staying there until I retire or until my kids have graduated high school. So I guess stressing the "I will be here forever" part of it would help.

Yeah, I'm 4 months pregnant and unemployed. I'm trying to find a job, but I know damn-well that when I reveal that I'm pregnant they won't hire me. I know also that it's illegal to use that as a hiring basis, but I can't in good conscience let an employer hire me, while knowing in the back of my mind that I'm going

"Researchers still aren't sure if their testicle ray gun damages sperm or fertility permanently, or if it could lead to birth defects in subsequent kids."

I'm saying no to this, as a woman, until they figure out if it can cause birth defects in children. Cause that would be the most horrific type of birth control EVER - for EITHER sex - one that causes you to not get pregnant most of the time, but in the small instances you do, your baby has a horrible defect that it

a lighter, back when i used to smoke and had one on me all the time, did the trick.

everything helps, thanks for even clicking on things for me. I totally appreciate it.

Angels and Demons. I swear, that movie is alternatively the most interesting and the most mind-numbing movie I have ever seen.

Just wanted to say thanks to all the Jezzies that went to my blog ([]) yesterday (and today) after I posted in last nights open thread thing that someone stole my baby's stroller. Those hits are really helping - hopefully maybe in a couple months I will have earned enough to replace it. Thanks

You're so sweet! Now I'm fb'ing your cupcake shop. I've got a ton of old high school friends who have relocated to SF - I'll get the word out!

Aw thanks friend! Really, a venting platform is what I need - and more visitors to my blog. Trying to monetize the crap out of it. Visiting my blog would be a great help!

I second @OvidObvi. Ask him out. You can do this casually - if you're at a party or a somewhere with people, you can ask him to walk you home. You can ask him to get coffee. I asked my husband to a party.

Lost my job (you can read about that here []), and now today someone stole my baby's stroller from our driveway. So, eventful couple of weeks! I am I can't help but feel something else will go wrong. I'm praying to the multiple gods I believe in that that something will have

They sell belladonna on etsy? Interesting.

I remember years ago watching Wheel of Fortune and Vanna kept walking to the wrong letters and Pat was laughing at her. I remember thinking they were drunk. Good to know I was right!

Yup, he says that in the quote. But they seem to be bowing to the pressure that kids can apply.

"That just leaves one more question: how did this as-yet anonymous model end up fucking Richardson at a shoot?"

I thought that the point of intercourse (to those that are religious) was to procreate, and if intercourse happened without the intent to procreate than it was sinful. Am I just off here?