
Disagree. Mad Dog has a huge impact on whether alcohol makes me aggressive. I'm a happy drunk, unless I drink Mad Dog, where then I am a raving bitch. Yes, blind tests were done.

God I'd love to defriend my MIL. But, um. Don't think that's possible without some repercussions.

Napa Valley. So I'm guessing I'll want to live in Petaluma? And it's true SF is super cool, but...anything with babies is hard. Putting them to sleep is hard. Eating is hard. Breathing is hard. God this is frightening. Any good thoughts about Napa/Petaluma with kids?

A gray hoodie from high school when I was 14. It has holes in the wrists, but I still wear it sometimes, even though it hit the 16-year old mark.

There's a 50% chance my husband will get a job that he can't say no to. I'm terrified. We have an 18-month old and a baby on the way. I'm freaking y'all. It will require a move across the ocean to the bay area...and the job will be a night position (same as now, really) so I'll be alone with babes 5 nights of the

It looks like Lego Bratz.

Really? I let my baby pet dogs all the time. I'm right there with him, but that's mostly to make sure he doesn't smack the shit out of the dog.

It changes with motherhood. Your spawn will be gorgeous even when he/she is in the jabba the hut stage. But apart from my own child? Puppies and kittens are always cuter.

Huh? Did he inject it?

I cooked a date dinner one night, back when I was in college. He thought he deserved a blow job after that...i was like, "wtf." He said, "well you cooked me dinner. that means you really like me." I said, "it means I like to cook you jackass."

Totally agree. Although my "diminishing returns" is only because I'm 1. too full or 2. have a headache because of a sugar high. If neither of these two existed, I'm sure lots of cake would make me a very happy girl.

All I can say is that Enya may have made my husband and I perfect Lamaze class students, but during the actual thing I wish I had more NIN and Marilyn Manson than the ambient sounds of Enya cawing. I had the epidural after that.

Yeah, I figured that out that night. But sometimes I think the intent is important...and the intent that night by the owner was to be as racist as possible, so he chose that movie. I mean, I'd love to say that the entire night was satire, but...I can't. Everything was done for the intent of being racist

I agree. But I can't right now, which is a big problem (pregnant). And in the past when I hated my job (I used to be an Executive Assistant to an overgrown frat boy, which I have no idea if it is at all similar to a Governance Assistant, but was degrading as well), at least I had coworkers to vent with, or a big

Oh my gosh thanks. It's nice to hear understanding instead of "you should realize how lucky you are".

So one MLK Day my husband (caucasian) and I (asian) went to a party hosted by a friend of his (caucasian) with two other friends (one african-american/caucasian, one ethiopian/caucasian). It was an annual thing, supposedly. Imagine our surprise when we show up to the most racist party we had ever been to. Blazing

So I'm the weird hybrid that most people would love to be. I am theoretically a SAHM except that I am able to bring my 18month old to work with me. I've been doing this (coming to work, taking him home for a nap and going back to work) since he was 2 months old. I can make my own hours-ish, and can take him to

Really? Because people are Republican they are terrible? This type of generalization makes me so sad.

I know it's so anti-Jezebel but...Did anyone see "New Years Eve"? Can't...get...over...bad...casting...of...SJP....

Parenting vent.