
I dunno, I think it might be deliberate. The show is essentially showing that when a child perpetrates this kind of behavior, no one sees it as a "blurry" issue…they immediately tell the child she was wrong, make her apologize, and have multiple conferences and discussions asking "How are we going to take action to

Does anyone else see a deliberate parallel between these two events this season: 1) Louie's child pulling off a woman's clothing because she is frustrated and pissed off because the woman is "not being fair" to her and 2) Louie attempting to do the same thing for the very same reasons in "Pamela, Part 1?" I think

I think the argument could be made that there have been several signs that Louie the character is not actually as "mild mannered" as people give him credit for. The character has demonstrated a number of demonstrations of pent-up rage and physical violence when under stress. When he was going to see his father, he

Yes. And cut to Louie being outraged that someone spit on the bus—when only hours before he has just committed a immeasurably greater crime and feels no remorse.

Yes, I'm kind of unclear why a comment that has gotten 53 upvotes is ranked under other comments with far less upvotes. But whatever, at least some people have found it. (BTW, I had to adjust my Disqus user name above due to an email issue I ran into, but I am the same commenter that started this thread.)