
@golferal: Actually, I just want the sweet sabot rounds that they were showcasing at the end.

@vinod1978: It wasn't that MAKING fake porn wasn't enough to convict, it's the subtle diff 'tween watching REAL kiddie porn and fake that somehow convinced the judge.

@wjglenn: App called "If Found"

@Steel: Well, that's a useful comment, then. Tits, meet boar.

@swc oxcart: Added bonus, you won't be ripped out of the "in-movie experience" by the recurring "THIS IS THE PROPERTY OF 20TH CENTURY FOX.. FOR ACADEMY VIEWING ONLY... ANY UNAUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTION WILL BE PROSECUTED.." crawl.

Been going month-to-month at Verizon for 6 months, now, waiting for this release. The wifi hotspot ices the cake as I was THIS CLOSE to buyin' a mifi, anyway.

This isn't as awful as allowing the Border Patrol to skulk about in your laptop willynilly — that doesn't require your being arrested, first.

@ParrotHeadFL: Are any of them FART apps? No? I didn't think so. Come back when you have 10,000 different fart apps, THEN we'll be impressed...

@mozzy: Nonono.. most cops empty their magazines when they fire: you're looking at a savings of over 10,000 bullets... that's quite a bit of petty cash.

@GlowingApple: Thanks; I quietly mourned the passing of Smultron and will check this out with great hopeful hoping...

Voted for TextMate because it is unparalleled on the Mac.

@cruzer555: If karma didn' exist, you'd've correctly written, "you're" an idiot.

@mangonel: The pressure we got the other day to bring our $90 purchase up to $100 to save $25 was phenomenal.

@AΨB: How airtight does it have to be for anything toxic floating around in the room to cause damage?

@Slinkytech: I agree, slightly. I clicked on the link largely to peruse a list of iphone-based apps and about halfway through thought, "wait... these are applications..."

@Phrosty: When I'm testing our software, I try my damnedest to hit the lowest common, and miss repeatedly.

I've been using this since it was Grand Central and my mom STILL doesn't get it.

@thewhitedoberman: I can usually ge the gist, but the mistranscribings have been so funny, I've shared both recording and text with people, to great effect.