
@sammy baby: Anyone else see this picture and think, "the Freshmaker!"


@JadoJodo: "You can't park here, it's for handicapped!"

@pandaSmore: People who don't know how to punctuate and spell are assholes, too.

@Moebius: Nonono, you have that backwards.

@wigglestheholy: Because there's little worth investing in, right now. One financial magazine recently had an article: Best Investment for $1000 Right Now.

@AgentRockstar: They'll be hiring this guy for the TSA after he's fired...

@mechanabeshin: Read a bit: The Republican Congress BANNED them from being allowed to unionize. So they're poorly educated, poorly trained, poorly supported by their superiors, poorly paid annnnnnnd treat us poorly.

@thnikkamax: It's the Republicans who brought this upon us. It's the Dems who allow it to continue. And the freaking Tea Party is only concerned with deregulating the extraction industries and cutting taxes for the rich.

@Jimmy Jordan: 'cause there are more effective ways of staying safe that don't involve incredibly expensive AND privacy-violating methods: cf. El Al.

@Sprzout: Dude, feel free to keep giving up civil liberties 'til they're gone. It's douchebags like that guy who remind the sheep like you of what true balls are.

@magista: I was thinkin' of going the Large Zucchini route... minus the tin foil, of course.

@xxdesmus: You're using google for... how many? different aspects of your life and you're still worried about privacy??

@aj_robins: What's this "command-line" of which you speak, and if it's so special, why doesn't teh facebooks have it?

One of Osama's stated goals was to make us change our ways: every time we give up another civil liberty, he giggles.

Think for Mac. Greys out everything BUT the app you're working in, doesn't restrict you to "focused writing" only.

@Gun Metal Gray: I don't need the whole suite, but Doc2 (how DID you get that little guy up there?) is well worth the price of entry for .doc editing ability.

I'm a massive fan of AwesomeNote, especially loving its multiple sync/transfer options (to be able to toss a note into googledocs and suck it, later, into AN is a great feature).

@sean000: When I worked for the House Committee on Public Transportation (US Congress), we'd often receive funding requests literally written on cocktail napkins, the project sketched out in the vaguest of ways by some lobbyist to some mayor, who passed it to his Congressman who handed it to us as if that were all we

A friend was harping on me (over IM) to use Twitter and teh