
@springbreakbox: Civilians with weapons would've brought down their own planes, rapidly depressurizing the inside.

@toastr: iTunes is infuriating me, however, as it insists on loading ALL apps, whether I've indicated I want them, or not. Wasn't always doing this, it's a fairly new — and completely unwelcome — 'feature' I'd love to do without.

@sabrewulf: I've been a Mac/Apple fan since.. oh... '84, when my Apple ][c was the envy of my friends, but Windows Live (esp sync/mesh/whatever they call it next week) is a great service that kicks iDisk/whatnot to the curb.

@Cyfun: Well, plus iPhone rocks.. as does everything from Apple.

@Hexaphim: REALLY? Well, I greatly appreciate the warning, but DAY-UM, porquoi-pas?

@MrEvil: Bah — I chucked the instructions and built whatever the heck I wanted.

Well, that absolutely makes sense, as the Taj MaSpaceship is almost EXACTLY what my boy an' I would've made from those pieces...

@jfd.lew: Definitely "Music Inspired by the Incredibles' Soundtrack"

@auni1996: Why isn't my app making me rich?

@Prairie Moon: I feel your pain: "WHere the hell did I put that DNS server info??"

@BadFloppy: I kinda like the OneNote web application — you can leave it open on every machine, the info's always there.

While I really like the Epicurious site (and its app), I'm agog and delighted that Cook's Illustrated has an app — off to fetch it!

@KingKash: I've owned macs since 1985 and have purchased in my day job several dozen for users: I always buy — and urge others to buy — the Apple Care.

@jingram421: Actually, it's one of the reasons I grew up. I now can afford to buy the damned things and, b/c I have an 8-year old, I have a built-in excuse to play with 'em: "hon, I'm entertaining the boy!"

@Prolorn: For that matter, didn't they purchase MSE from someone else?

@yipcanjo: I think Vista (*shudder*) and 7 defrag in an ongoing sorta way; you shouldn't have to run one effer again in those systems.

And noone is angered at teh Facebook's inane and stoneheaded response? I'm surprised this guy wasn't tasered and incarcerated by Facebook PD for his crime.