
@Phuong Nguyen: Fool — you don't get Fireball 'til level 3, at _least_... #diy

@beala: Insect repellent is an excellent accelerant, as well, while being less overall dangerous to keep around. #diy

@Marand: I've had no problems, but obviously Google's had its share and we've seen evidence of other lost data.

@Marand: Which is why I prefer to browse the comments and don't really pay much attention to the final poll results. #portableapps

@Platypus Man: I hear what you're saying, but I've found myself using my portable xubuntu system far far more often than any of the several portable app USB suites I've assembled over the past several years.

@TheFu: 'Zactly.. trying to find the )%#*&()$!^ "Add/Remove Programs" in 7 was terribly frustrating.

@Clifton Tarpy: Yeah, that'd be awesome, if the bloody popup wasn't so bloody big. Growl allows wide range of options, some quite petite, allowing notifications to occur without grabbing ALL of my attention because they're occupying an eighth of my screen. #notifications

You mean there's something other than Process Explorer worth considering??

@NidoDev: I confess, I thrill at the prospect of no longer needing to email heavily Track-changes'd Word docs back and forth, hoping you got everyone's updates and whatnot accounted for.

@kflott: Well, our office provides those insipid K-cups (we actually had a couple of boxes of PUMPKIN- and BLUEBERRY-flavored coffees, for awhile!) and does provide some K-tea-cups, but those of us who tea rely on Upton Tea Importers (teavanna's just too $$ without much bang for the buck) and the hot-water spigot on

@Deoki: CHILEAN seabass

@sideffects: Right, but there still remains the difficulty of adding software that's NOT in a repo. When you're used to "Download, double-click" or the even easier, "Download, drag onto this icon", the steps needed to install a non-repo'd app can be daunting.

@nolabar10der: No, I loathe 7 and 8 because I can't FIND what I need on their hyperminimalist toolbars. I like being able to check/edit/modify/tweak my preferences and there is no easy way to do that in IE. Why is IE the only product on the planet that has no simple "Edit Preferences" option? Instead you must drill

@JonathansToolBar: Live Mesh isn't awful but I had to abandon Foldershare/Mesh when Foldershare died 'cause Mesh won't work with my Tiger-based iMac.

@psychiccheese: I don't like Apple's implementation — it really plays poorly with Word's tool palettes, for example — but in my linux boxes, I find multiple virtual desktops a godsend. As OCE says, they're nice for the psychological spacing and clean feel, but I find them MOST useful on my 7" eee, where y'need to

@tarrantm: mmm... 3 programs to do what 1 does... if you add them up, are the sizes comparable?

@Kyang: Christ, even Balmer called it a service pack for Vista...

@FaRReR: Are you allowed to criticize starred commenters? Careful or they'll take your monkey..