
I've been using foxmarks to sync my Read It Later folder among my various machines, so to make this work, I'd have to use the RIL sync service. No biggie, just one more bit of privacy gone.

@icedicicle: Verily. I just don't use enough of gmail's features to need anything other — esp when mobile — than reading, replying to, and disposing of messages.

@justintiempo: But but but.. it's the big chunks of garlic that make garlic-in-oil so worthwhile!

@ltjohnb: I know many here like it but I never see my desktop, really, so it's of less use, to me.

@John_001: Now's the chance for you to create "3 OS-on-a-stick-in-One" — I suggest.. mmm... xubu, PCBSD, annnnnd.... OpenSolaris10!

@xxdesmus: Dunno if it's just us early switchers or not, but none of my GrandCentral contacts were ported over. Google integrated my GMAIL contacts — thanks — but not the contacts that actually had phone numbers associated with them — thanks for nuttin'.

@~dt~: I was surprised by that comment, as well. Everything I've heard is that the darker the roast, the 'lighter' the caffeine content. Maybe it's not TOO significant a loss (for some?), but there IS a difference. AFAIK.

@~dt~: Bubkes hit most of the points I'd make so I'll add/augment:

@g: Spend a few hundred dollars buying a 10" eee running.. something non-Windows.

@christo27: Really: if you're gonna go Linux, why bother going with one that's a near-clone of Windows??

@BrianB: Crunchbang's just ubuntu with a stripped down black interface (ok, there are some other, included-software differences, but mostly, it's interface). I enjoyed dallying in it, but fluxbox is a bit too lean a window manager for my tastes. I'm more of an xfce man, m'self, running xubu on my eee quite happily.

@bound4er: And here you'll find you can save a fortune in gels by using honey.

@rhinovalley: How about a small amount of countrytime lemonade powder? You get a bit of sugar and a bit of food coloring, but it's a fairly small amount for a nice bit of lemony kick.

@wargames2007: wow... can I sit near you? Bask in the glow of your.. whatever that is?

@lunchbox: Excellent English Snark, lunchbox! Mad props. I started reading your pieces as an indictment of everyone's mad rush to get everything via email (I do, actually, have deer strolling by my mailbox; they ate my damned blueberry bushes, too!) only to realize it was a screed against DumbSpeeks. A double message,

@VidalCoral: That's ethan: he's a hardman to understand.

@shatteredmindofbob: Hey, Bob — it has QUASI-LIVE word count: the count updates every time the doc is saved. As there's a fairly frequent (minutes) auto-save feature, the update of wordcount happens fairly often.

@asthecrowspins: can't speak to android, but I know that Zoho won't allow editing of existing docs (you can VIEW or CREATE NEW) on iPhone/iPT because the devices save txt only. While I've argued that they just need to post a "warning: any formatting will be lost" notice and make smart people happy, the reality is,