
@jokono: Actually, Hyundai recently topped their list of mid-sized super sedans with the Genesis.

I've had my iPT since about May and have yet to REALLY miss cut/paste. I just don't understand the crying need.

@adhir: nono, the point of the article is that the kindle (Mobipocket) software ON iPhone will allow us to read Amazon-supplied eBooks on the iPhone/iPT.

@scroobious: I just noticed that Gnome-Do has a Tasque tie-in; I wasn't aware of the RTM linkage, now I'm happy as a clam. Thanks!

@Firax: Relatively new feature, requires a second password (PIN they call it) but it's spectacularly useful if you have multiple machines. Check preferences.

@Jeron: Foxmarks is available for Safari (and possible IE, as well) in at least Beta form, as we speak.

@aperson: I used Blackbox on my XP system and really liked it — cleaner and faster.

@tkcom: I dunno, doesn't F11 make your firefox go fullscreen, or is it something I added to my xubueee's firefox that I've forgotten?

@Mark Lee: I don't have many folders set up within gmail, but Thunderbird doesn't seem to've messed anything up, at all. Also, set up Postbox very easily to retrieve my gmail email and it smoothly pulled everything over.

@Chewbenator: I have Verizon Wireless. My connection's ALWAYS flaky.

I dislike the "buy 2 for $1 or one for 59¢" "deals."

@Ryan Marsh: Indeed, it's verymuch like Quicksilver. Launchy is fine and all, but nothing beats the power of the keyboard as delivered through QS.

@JohnGonzo: I'm gonna compose snarky comments!

@SenorDunda: I agree... the only one that seems REALLY useful is the "advance to next" for surfing pr0n without needing to manually change the [002.jpg] to advance...

Ahh, Samburger, I was JUST about to search for that when I saw your comment... thankee!

I'm sorry, weren't we just discussing how unreliable Google has become with their offerings? First they kill Browser sync, then Notebook — and now y'all're wetting yourselfs over the chance to be hozed by them, again??

Can I list "portable Ubuntu"?

Anyone else noticing that google be shedding services? First, the insanely useful Browser Sync; now the wonderfully integrated into FF Notebook. What do we lose next, gmail?

Sugarsync is a paid service and while that's not a terrible thing, most Lifehackers appear to be cheapskatemiserpennypinchingti....