
And if you have any experience with the iStat guys, you know you can expect several many and consistent updates to this thing. iStat is a terrific widget (not a fan of cluttered menubar) well worth whatever you can toss these guys. I would imagine that Organized only is going to get better and will prove itself

And, to reiterate a point made when Google Sync's impending retirement was announced, Foxmarks is insufficient for many of us who want our opened tabs to follow us from machine to machine. This is INVALUABLE for me, a feature I use several many times a day.

Lovely idea. Currently, I just create clones of my virtualized systems, blowing them away when I bork them irretrievably. This sounds better for places where virtualization isn't an option.

I tried putting my credit card in a block of ice only to realize later it was a moot point: somewhere in the past I'd memorized it.

While I love the CONCEPT behind Evernote, lack of cellphone with camera diminishes some of the utility and the easy integration of Google Notebook into my browsing (contextual menus ROCK) makes GN my first choice for saving text online.

a) TKD does not, inherently, suck. ANY martial art can suck if it's not practiced/applied correctly. It is far more accurate to say, "THE TKD I'VE SEEN TENDS TO SUCK.." or the like. I used TKD quite successfully in many street situations while living in DC.

Tell Microsoft what? That until they gut their OS of the DOS-legacy code, they build bloated and bug-filled crud? They probably know this; their problem is they seem not to care.

Man, I love GBS: it just works. And it lets me work the way I like: I open a ton of tabs on one machine, go home, open another machine, voila, the tabs are offered to me. On any machine I own (ok, so it's not on my iPod Touch..).

Thanks, Zadaz. Now can you craft me one that cuts out all the whiners? Seriously, it's like Engadget in here, sometimes.

Since I autohide my Dock and use Quicksilver for almost everything, Stacks don't move me, much.

ummm... there should be an ASCII-art-style graphic representing the "to" 'tween QS and Spotlight, up there...

Sooo, on the scale of QUICKSILVER SPOTLIGHT, this falls about where?

New Paradigm: The Webtop!

For anyone coming late to this discussion: Just checked with a friend who's a Lieutenant of Emergency Services (firefighter) in VA and he says they check wallets and ID tags. They MIGHT check phones but mostly for "mom" type contacts and they'd usually leave it for the cops to do, later.

*snicker* Handgun. Nice, longbourne.

Fusion 2.0 b/c without it, I wouldn't have been able to run my XP partition after SP3 waxed it.

I'm a fan of Quicksilver+RTM.. a few keystrokes and BAM, task added. Ditto for Quicksilver+GoogleCalendar, which has the added bonus of offering a nifty Growl notice that the meeting was set. Between the two, I'm nearly able to keep all my myriad tasks ... well.. on task.

Actually, track surfaces are so pebbled (for traction, mostly, I think), that they're fairly painful to run on barefoot.

I have one for the Weird Sh*t department:

I write on my palm 'til I can transfer it to my Palm.