
What I do see the need for, however, is a better means of assigning hotkeys to ANY menu command. Leopard's woefully inadequate at this. Nested commands are particularly difficult to deal with.

Mildly off-topic, I know, but Lifehackerites tend to be an In The Know bunch, sooooo...

Just a note of caution: once had someone prank me by the simple expedient of pulling out my keyboard cable. It looked as if my mac had frozen, totally. So I rebooted.

I agree, this ain' a winning entry. I DO think this guy's boss might be up for "coolest boss" award, though, for letting him set that up.

ORB'd be pretty darn exciting if it weren' XP/Vista only..

I've been using FolderShare to link two macs and find its syncing remarkably easy and transparent.

True, this isn't going to strengthen the heart as more aggressive walking would. But it prevents the stagnation that happens when one sits in front of a computer all day, the spinal compression, the slouching (notice his nice upright posture).

I've used LogMeIn on a mac and find it VERY slow, practically non-responsive on my Tiger machines.

Bah. I refuse to fly until this nightmare ends.

And, for those still wondering WHY, I met a fellow recently who fires up an ancient laptop using a Knoppix disc and then navigates his way to YouOS, where he does all his coding/backs up his files/etc.

I think this is great. One of the reasons people have populated (polluted?) their speech with "y'know" "um" "like" and ... well.. the like... is because they're using these words as verbal placeholders.

Right click, left click, middle click, all are stupid. All I want to do on the macbook is tap/2-finger tap: why did they even put a SINGLE button on this thing?

I think what's interesting about this is how significant the move is toward having EVERYTHING we want/need rolled into our browser.

For what it's worth, I have FolderShare running on two macs and it works great.

Verily, that script is nigh unto the apex of geekdom.

Oh, and I'm using the Google Notebook extension — adds "Add to Google Notebook" to the right-click context menu. I like this better than having to highlight and star and...

@Trikimiki: Miki, you sound like a perfect candidate for the as-yet-still-in-private-beta Scrybus ( Check out their demo — it'll leave you astonished with the possibilites.

I was turned off of KDE (and PCLinuxOS) because they looked TOO much like the hated XP. For some reason, Gnome bothers me, as well, but I think that's b/c it's a buttugly (default Ubuntu) version of the MacOS.

I've long used! as my RSS aggregator of choice. What I like is that I can COMMAND-CLICK (apple key) a link or series of links and they load in the background while I continue scrolling down the (LONG) list of sites I follow. Speed of load is not an issue — I get to them when I get to them.