
It’s worth it trust me

Key word being now, I will always remember EA for their slimy as fuck move with PvZ2, it started good but as time went on they keep releasing level where you can’t progress without using some paid-only plant

implying 3 is the end

that xbox’s number brought tears to my eyes

oh shit, I remember this cartoon holy shit, maybe my car obsession came from this

okay kotaku we need to talk, why is your recommendation panel change position every fucking time now? sometimes it’s on the left, sometimes it changes to the right, is this a bug only for me or is this your design decision from now?

yeah, good thing my favorite chips is not that popular

hmmm that’s weird, just got back from evening stroll and all the lawson on my area is still fully stocked on chips

now even radiant historia is confirmed for 3ds, it seems switch is lost in the limbo between full fledge console and handheld

Trying to find discussion about this that doesn’t devolve into shitposting and crashing into rabid nintendo fanboy is almost impossible nowadays, I hold out to buy switch till they announce new monster hunter which would be an absolute buy from me and my friend but lo and behold, the new mhxx is exclusive for 3ds and

that’s yasuo and volibear agrabah edition

literally just got ephraim, julia and sleiph on a single pull, orb saving success I should say

fuck me, that’s the most atrocious skin on any moba i’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen totally shitty skin (looking at you rusty blitzcrank)

fell right into this like a pottery

Goddamn, what’s with polish game studio with their good game and good service nowadays, cd projekt red and now Flying Wild Hog..just take all my money will you..

basically forcing woman to be sex slave...hence the “comfort women”

yep...hope konami and other company also learn that name alone won’t make something good

same reason they use ghostbuster name on the latest movie..the name sales

proceed with caution as always

I bought this to play with my friend with the goal of having baseplanet where we can hang out whenever we want to...but lo and behold all this non-answer bullshit the dev gave when they could just say yes or no to the question whether we can see each other or not....some people have different way of enjoying game and