
It does seem weird for it to be set in Massachusetts, but the reason is because she was basing it on Puritan New England and incidents like the Salem witch trials, which she had researched in graduate school. The Christianity of Gilead is very Puritan and not Evangelical, which is why one of their many enemies are the

There is a book of short stories set in this world that she published (I'd love it if they did a little miniseries adaptation of them)! Mostly fairy tales, though Jonathan Strange features in at least one. Susanna Clarke has said she is working on a sequel set several years after JS&MN focusing on I think Childermass

Honestly, I would say Norrell is if anything MORE sympathetic in the tv series than he was in the book. There's no way for Norrell not to seem like a jerk at this point in the story — but keep in mind that this is largely because he's socially inept, self-absorbed, hurt by Strange's rejection, and has absolutely no