I honestly thought Minnesota State was made up for “Coach”. Go Screaming Eagles!
I honestly thought Minnesota State was made up for “Coach”. Go Screaming Eagles!
That’s not where the nickname comes from. Let’s just say he has every right to call himself Big Sean.
I think it’s time to play KKK with the Republican hopefuls...wait, that didn’t come out right.
As with most of these things, I’d bet he’s not sorry he said it - he’s just sorry it became a big deal and made him look bad.
Cronut Ham Sandwich, served with a defibrillator - the Andrew Brandt special
If only this had happened 55 years ago, you could have squeezed her so hard her uterus fell out, and saved us from a whole heap of nonsense.
Cary Grant visited, as well.
I had a High School history teacher who said the same thing (wonder if your TA had the same HS teacher as me). Being the cool guy I was at the time, I had the Baseball Encyclopedia with me, and showed the teacher that Roger Maris was born in Fargo, ND. Thesis disproved.
My family was staying with friends in Denver a couple of years ago; we took the opportunity to take a 5 1/2 hour drive up to Mt. Rushmore. We got there at twilight. It was beautiful - we stayed overnight and then went to Crazy Horse Memorial the next day - also very cool. Only downside was the 11 hours of driving…
And the announcement that Vince has re-entered rehab will be coming in 3...2...1...
Ronan Farrow's tweet is a little ridiculous, isn't it? Just because someone has some degree of fortune or success certainly doesn't mean they couldn't be bullied or ostracized. What a stupid thing to say.
Are you sure he's a Republican? I've seen several references to it, but nothing sourced. He did speak at the 2000 RNC convention, but he also spoke at the DNC convention that same year.
Right...I watched it with my kids.
It was the Kids' Choice Awards, not Teen Choice Awards. Yes, I am a 40-year-old man. Why do you ask?
Why so serious?
God, wrestling is SOOOO fake.
Of course, you're right. However, right here on this site (and on Gawker) he was being called out for faking, for making sure the camera was on him when he did it, for having the nerve to be emotional, etc.
It's the sideburns, I think.
I doubt she'd look that surprised if that's what he told her.
It could have been worse...she could have said backdoor IS her thing.