Girl With The Pencils In Her Hair

If anyone knows about long walks on the campaign trail to get at least that key Appalachian vote, it’s this guy.

Who pulled this worthless piece of shit probably a rapist himself out of the greys?

Brock Turner is a monster.  Anyone that broken should not be allowed to walk around free.  The only reason he’s not in jail is his skin color.

You’re a goddamn horrible piece of shit. 

“I am the most successful female serial killer in American history, but all these women keep talking about my victims instead of celebrating my success!”

It’s the rich corporatist feminism in which “being a mom” means you hire out and aren’t the least bit inconvenienced like the millions of working moms who are hanging on by their finger nails and being screwed by the system on a constant basis. Add to that actually further hindering the women who are struggling.

I’m sick of her throwing “being a mom” out there like it’s a job qualification.

It’s not feminism. It’s the right’s bastardization of feminism, which is a thing they do to everything so they can point at it and say “SEE! See how the left is a bunch of hypocrites!” while they are hiding their own hypocrisy behind their backs.

IMO, calling out the hateful people on Twitter is a waste of time because there is nothing that you can say that will alter their way of thinking. It is the equivalent of beating one’s head against a brick wall. My best suggestion is to ignore the haters on Twitter and let them cannibalize themselves. 

If Twitter is serious about stopping hate and abuse targeting black women...

Vaguely Beige woman breathes:

I don’t see this stopping anytime soon- because there are zero consequences for abusing WoC (especially black women). Online platforms in particular have no incentive to moderate such behavior, because it’s all just distilled to users and metrics that can be sold. You don’t have to look any further than this fuckawful

Wow, how racist do you have to be to be considered too racist even for the Daily Mail?

And has anyone in the last ten years taken more abuse than the forever First Lady? From being compared to animals, said to look like a man, unattractive (with those arms, yuck!), called a terrorist. A grifter (remember when the Obamas were the grifters in office, taking all those vacations on government money? Trump

We are easy targets because no one protects us. Its quite simple. But this has been going on for centuries and twitter just makes it more blatantly obvious and public. Ijueo Olujo has received so many racist death threats and now they know where she lives and target her and her family. Who can forget the Black

lol, what? you’re patting yourself on the back because you’re using minorities to hawk some products? How tone deaf can one person be? You aren’t creating shit. You are coming in here, saying that “end state capitalism is (promoting) a more diverse and inclusive society”? LOL, the American Education System (TM) has

Diversity in marketing is the peanuts racist institutions have successfully reduced the entire racial equality movement down to. Like we used to have social programs and laws that tackled the incredible disparity between white and POC, and they were effectively reducing the gap and improving life conditions for

Yeah that’s similar to the lines my teams have been fed by management. I think the Unitarians have a phrase... “faith with works is dead.” (I’m paraphrasing)

It’s pretty telling that the racist bad-faith trolls calling this “not racism” sound just like the White Feminists that scare-quote “White Feminism” and decry intersectionality.

Corporate word salad had overtaken business writing. The style and techniques are: use of “we” to mean no one in particular, sub-clauses that muddy an already unclear sentence, a weird passive first person voice, endless single sentence paragraphs. It’s all the MBA guidebook on how to not do anything, not take