Maybe the NCAA can sell a similar shoe in their company store? Fuck the NCAA. I hope their days are numbered.
Maybe the NCAA can sell a similar shoe in their company store? Fuck the NCAA. I hope their days are numbered.
People would just blame it on Hillary.
I don’t want Trump to kill himself. I want him to attempt to kill himself, fuck it up like he fucks up everything else, and end up living another 20 years mute, paralyzed from the neck down, and in constant agony.
I’d be overjoyed if Trump offed himself. I would dance in the goddamn streets.
By this logic, North Korea is running the most successful country in the world.
If Donald Trump killed himself he might be vying for my favorite president ever; because that would be pretty much the best thing he’s ever done in his entire life. We could only be so lucky.
“If they weren’t talking about you, you wouldn’t be doing something right and it’s important to keep it in context,”
If this family/administration was capable of introspection, or had a shred of basic self-awareness, they’d all commit seppuku.
“Certainly he’s good enough to be a backup. … But we have a good No. 2, a guy that fits our system that we have familiarity with. He’s here for the same reason that (Dolphins coach) Adam Gase goes back to (Jay) Cutler. We know exactly what we’re going to get from the guy. Physically, Kaepernick’s more talented, but…
Colin Kaepernick doesn’t have a job because he won’t stand.
“his client was just trying to de-escalate the situation with the driver”
“But the main thing is the city didn’t ask us to become a shelter then.”
Matthew 7:7-8 “Ask and ye shall receive”
Y’know what? I honestly forgot about Miz.
It feelsl like a lot of Cena’s promos lately have been him being given the chance to blow off steam. I can imagine after years of being accused of burying someone anytime he gets a win, it can become annoying. I am hardly a Cena mark but I like what the guy does outside the ring, I like his promos and he can put on a…
Miz, dude. Their back-and-forths leading into Mania this year were incredible.
Last night, it occurred to me that Roman cuts promos like he’s having conversations in his head at the same time a la Homer Simpson. Cena absolutely rolled him last night.
It’s kinda hilarious how they’ve stepped wrong at nearly every turn in booking Roman through his singles run, yet have accidentally booked Braun as 1996 Steve Austin.
When Cena told Reigns that he’s had five years to learn how to cut a promo, I’ll admit, I lol’ed.
Love Cena or hate him, there’s only one active wrestler who can go shot for shot with him on a mic, and even he has trouble at times because he’s got minor ESL issues (KO)