
Wait...that's spectacularly funny

He was safe because the RF took a bad angle on the ball. If he'd have gotten there a hair sooner, or took a great route to it, he could have done his footwork before he caught it. Instead, he has to take a crossover step with his left foot (behind him; making it actually a carioci step), set up w& stabilize with his

What makes it work is the in-rhyme. "Gland Bandit" just sings!

Thank you

Dear fellow ruggers: love the passion, but Isaac's lack of familiarity is an opportunity to amaze and educate, not an opportunity for scorn. Also, not to sound like a contrarian, but that's an amazing bit of skill that you do not see often, and thus a nice clip for Deadspin. They did a nice job of covering the last

"You want to put that knuckle on the index finger right in the asshole."


As an 11-year rugby veteran, I am pleased that Thighlights has become a de facto celebration of rugby players from a woman's libido perspective. Corollary: over 42% of college graduate women have had sexual relations with a rugby player, yet there are so very few of us. Real statistical fact.

Um...yeah. Weird, I know. Rugby —> Baseball —-> Hurling. It made sense at the time

Ding Dong Ditch, of course. Awlly Awlly All Come Free!

We called that (to my ongoing adult cringe): Smear the Queer. Thanks for this great essay, Sam. I read The Ask and never made the connection

I say right on to Scott, and to ESPN. But I also am shocked that no one has provided this important gif:

Also see: his singing in Rock of Ages. Pure dedication to the act.

I swear I did not get stoned much in college, but one night, I was, and became obsessed with jumping over the hood of a car. A solid line of Friday evening traffic was lined up in front of my rugby teammates and I, and I mused on the possibility just enough to get my teammates to dare me to do it. So, I waited until

Also: waterproof down feathers

I've done longer adventure races, and shorter ultras. I've subscribed to UltraRunning Magazine for eight years. Hell, my professional career is linked significantly with the ultra community and I gotta say: this is the best piece on ultra-endurance sports that I've read. A well-deserved thumbs up from HamNo, and

With a senior in high school, and college apps dominating his every evening, my first thought was, "What the FUCK!?" But after just a minute's reflection, this points out that nebulous "cultural" effect that stacks the odds against lower-income kids and families. Without advocates, millions of kids wind up like

Great story, needs an edit: Ray Guy is one of the NFL's Top 50, but not in the HOF. Actually, Billy White Shoes Johnson is not, either

Giannini hired Fedora; he has to wear it.

Hurling is RAYCISS. After 12 years of baseball and 11 years of rugby, I quit both when my body gave out. Then I saw hurling being played here in San Francisco (big Irish community here), and was so enthralled that I went up to the manager after the game and told him I'd like to learn. The guy looked at me and