
I'm stunned by how many people reflexively defend this coach and others like him. I don't suspect that Kill is a rogue loner in this kind of degrading "coaching," but the fact that athletes (college, high school, pro, it doesn't matter) can use the internet to comment on their tactics should be widely applauded. The

I played both Pop Warner and high school football, and now as a parent to two very physical, athletic teenagers, absolutely did not allow them to play football. They've both played rugby for seven years though, with zero concussions. In our youth/high school program where I coach rugby, there have been two

A good buddy of mine (an SI writer) drove Neil around the Tour de France back when Lance was a thing. Said that Neil Leifer was a total mensch. Not young even then, but an absolutely dedicated, energetic pro and really good company.

Meh — I saw this on Rugbydump and didn't even think it merited your attention. I had my ear torn in half at the bottom of a ruck. Fewer stitches, but at least this play was accidental — in my case, some Lurch-sized lock from U. of Az stamped on my head just because we were beating them. Now looking to see if I can

Thanks Rueben (and Meaghan and Andy) — this is useful and really interesting. I'd second the call to see a graphic on lacrosse. Two other sports I'd love to see: crew, because it is REALLY regional and difficult to fund; and rugby, which is booming, at least in the youth and collegiate levels.

Maddie Tight is the all-time best name in women's sports history

LeMond has been reviled by many in the cycling world since the Age of Armstrong, making him seem like a loon in the wilderness. Worse, the rumors that Trek dropped the LeMond line of bikes from their quiver because of Armstrong's desire to crush LeMond seems quite likely.

I thought he had a tee when I saw it on Sports Center, but nope. Just a righteous boot

I'm a high school coach and I gotta say, that dude should be fired. If you can't control your emotions better than that, you have no basis being a leader


Chris Stone is a good guy; glad he got the nod. The flagship of print media for sports is in good hands.

I'm curious at how Honey Stinger is "dropping" Armstrong, since he took an equity position in lieu of cash. I'd like to see at least one company say, "Fuck it; we knew he must have been doped to the gills, but he was still the best rider among all the other turdball dopers out there."

You might want to check out what the 49ers are doing, Jeremy. Alex Smith is the team's third-leading rusher with 107 yards on 19 carries; Colin Kaepernick is the fourth-leading rusher with 106 yards and two touchdowns on 10 attempts. If that continues, and I suspect it will, it amounts to nearly 700 yards rushing on

Krave Jerky. Like regular old gas station jerkey, but not at all. More like Alice Waters making sweet beefy love with a food dehydrator

In case those cyclists never made it out of Longmont, I've forwarded this to the Boulder County sheriff, as well as a private civil attorney who specializes in cycling law for possible civil charges.

Well, Sarge, good point, but cyclist really do give a fuck. They're scared to death, most of the time. The idiots who ride two or three a breast should be calmly yelled at ("Hey, can you ride single file?") — everyone else is just exercising their rights.

That guy (Mr. Rides) is an asshole, though I can't see how traffic would back up for miles with two lanes each way. I want to point out, though, that cyclists are "normal people on the road." It's fun, just like motorbiking it.

Card, you're missing the point: the bikes have every right to be there. Pass when it's safe, give them three feet per California law; I don't see what the problem is. Not trying to troll you, just give you $.02 from a cyclist and motorist

A right fielder in my men's hardball league tried to do that to me, and came darned close. Field turf field, he was playing shallow, he broke hard and gunned it. I beat it out by a step, but also led the league in steals, so it really can happen, given the right circumstances.

That's going to be a torn left ACL. Or at least a very bad sprain