
I run a much smaller business (5 employees), and we offer six month's maternity leave at 80% pay, with a guaranteed position upon a woman's return. Yeah, it is a big hit, financially, but WTF? The U.S. and state governments are living in a regressive, bizarro world and it is just unacceptable — so we're picking up

Yeah, for all his bullshit, this is completely plausible. I did the Chicago Marathon on three weeks "training" and got a 3:48 in 1999.

Yawn. Byron Donzis (RIP) did something almost as good (little bulkier) in the early 10970s.

Dr. Lee, great to see you on Deadspin. I play in the MSBL in Marin, and wonder if I'll get to face you next year?

Why no great clubhouse-baring books like Ball Four since...well, since the early 1970s?