Nah it’s defined as a autoimmune disease. In this case the autoimmune system attacks her hair follicles causing it to fall out.
Nah it’s defined as a autoimmune disease. In this case the autoimmune system attacks her hair follicles causing it to fall out.
Edgy stuff!
yeah, they’re two different jokes. it is possible for one thing to be fine, and then for a completely different thing to not be fine.
I wasn’t going to buy this season pass, but when I saw they were donating all proceeds to charity I did because I figured why not.
So people who embezzle money, run scams, do insider trading, commit “white collar” crimes don’t deserve to go to jail??
Look, clearly you have a very narrow understanding of how the world works and that includes the presidency. Trump spent four years courting and empowering authoritarian regimes around the world while simultaneously doing everything he could to damage our own democracy and the strength of allied relationships. It is he…
Good comment. Speaking for me, I’m just feeling bummed lately. I don’t think it’s representative of a change in direction, there’s just a lot of bad shit happening right now.
“Police are arresting peaceful protestors,”
The Right is now ok with protests blocking highways? Good to know, thanks.
You should get that fever checked. Could be covid.
The cowards are using children as human shields, and you’re defending them. Fuck you.
sO MuCh fOr tHe tOlErAnT LeFt
That’s becasue you haven’t. Seen a peaceful protest, that is.
Totally fair points. You’re not overreacting at all.
And sorry, I tend to overreact and vent on this site. I know not everything is about me and I've been trying to not leave long, and overly dramatic comments. I just get so heated being told to be nicer to rich and famous people. But being rich or famous doesn't mean it's ok to be subjected to racism, homophobia, etc…
Ugh I really hate that any criticism I might have towards another woman must be evidence of internal misogyny. There's nothing wrong with ambition, climbing the ladder, etc, but that doesn't mean I have to approve of the "any means necessary" type climb. I'm poor and frankly, I could be a millionaire by suing (or just…
Ehh, Julia was part of a stunt for Kanye to harass his ex wife in public - and we’re way past creepy and unhinged territory at this point. But she doesn’t have to disappear for my benefit. Secure the bag, but sell the clothes. Kanye has terrible taste.
the thing that sucks is that the game actually is fun and this massively disproportionate reaction is going make it harder and take longer for devs to actually push out updates and new content
“A lot of it is the lack of understanding about the gamedev process”
I often say most of The Gamers’ (tm) problems could be solved if they just took the time to understand even a fraction of how Game Development actually works but...well...can’t really force their noses into a book, as much as we might wish we could.
Because crypto (douche chills even writing that) deserves it.