Hell yeah 450 hours of picking up socks everywhere in the city best game ever
Hell yeah 450 hours of picking up socks everywhere in the city best game ever
Funny. I want my games to be... Good. Length and amount of content have very little to do with that
I’m with ya and I can’t wait to drown myself in this game for the next few months, but I’m not blind to most of those 500 hours being more fat than actual meat
AAA devs please stop
Maybe the solution is to have bigger vehicles that can carry more people in one go through the tunnel. If it’s really high volume, maybe link the larger vehicles together in a chain so that they all travel at once all at the same speed.
Yes, the majority of big tech’s “innovations” are old ideas done worse.
This is some embarrassing try hard shit.
Same. As a child free person, I find the switch fascinating. Granted, I’m in my 40s and I think a lot of the switch can be attributed to getting older and having different perspectives on life. When I was in my 20s I wasn’t ready yet, but over time, “not yet” became “not ever.”
So, in other words, he always meant that he handled it horribly, was an idiot and selfish asshole, and it was wrong. And some people heard (somehow) “It was my wife and kids’ fault.” I don’t see it, but I guess you really have to want it.
“libertarians who aren’t as smart as they think they are”
I will never understand muscle car buyers.
Very few games star a Black Woman in the first place. Offhand I can only think of the Matrix ps2 game and now the Matrix Unreal tech demo. It is pretty weird that they go for it and then describe her cringe-inducing stereotypical ways though. Like they’re working off of a checklist of what defines a black character…
Your links don’t prove anything. You might want to show the number of deaths per miles driven, and how many teslas are there compared to every other vehicle on the road, and so on.
You must be one of those Tesla fanboys that owns the stock but not the car. I own a Model 3 and if you did, you’d know how easy it is for this to happen. The car requires a significant amount of torque on the steering wheel to exit out of autosteer/FSD. After that it does back to steering normally. So you have to be…
Just because Tesla has no PR department doesn’t mean you have to volunteer.
“He’s gotten people who had previously had no interest in cars excited”
You have some statistical evidence for that?
Doug has done more for car culture than damn near anybody. He’s gotten people who had previously had no interest in cars excited. And that has value.
Seriously? Since the day I first saw Chris Cuomo on CNN I couldn’t believe the network was willing to set itself up for this absurdly blatant conflict of interest. This outcome was entirely foreseeable to anyone with half a functioning brain. As for what Chris did, no I do not think most people would lie to the…
Oh for fuck’s sake. Very few people would tell their brother to own his behaviour or seek counselling, or they might tell them to get counselling while ALSO doing everything in their power to help their brother not lose their job or go to jail. Especially when said brother’s fall from grace would also inevitably…
...the California-based engineer-CEO...