
Wait, if there are people into losers who haven’t yet achieved their dreams, I’m available!

“The whole point of pokemon is psychic being overpowered. Otherwise they wouldn’t have put it in there.”

It’s a message about diversity.

Yeah, clothing worn by fictional characters is SERIOUS BUSINESS.

I hope someone got Jensen’s permission before using his likeness. He didn’t ask for this.

I had hoped to have at least one place I could go to and escape from endless debates, finger-pointing, and rhetoric over the next few weeks and months. A place where I could just engage in my hobby, and only see election or political stories if they actually affected video games. Maybe someone would make a good game

This is a good step in the right direction, and I’m glad they corrected their own participation in the problem!

Y’all need keys? I gots da keys!

Honestly, the price of Battlefield 1's season pass is the main reason I didn’t give the game a second look, and the fact that they won’t have a season pass here is part of the reason why I’m [now] thinking about actually giving it a shot.

Seems more like they’re trying to make Titanfall 2 a better thing than 1 while trying to change how shooters act after their release. Change comes from within first, after all.

YOU! ARE! A! TOY! You are NOT the real Kid Ultra! You’re a... you’re an ACTION FIGURE! You are a CHILD’S PLAY THING!

Madness. Most raid groups will just wipe if just one player dies during the fight.

I like how in Double XP the character’s portrait doesn’t match quite what the character looks like in game.. just like the real thing.

That’s pretty cool, and I really like his thought process behind this.

when was the last time an awesome game came out that took a decade?

CryEngine is a graphics (and mildly game) engine which leaves most of the basic game design choices to the game itself. I’ve played with it, along with Unity, Unreal 4, and Haxe/Flixe, and the key bit is CryEngine is NOT a total game engine like RPGMaker. It’s mostly about the rendering. You can have radically

  • “He poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague upon our houses!”

It really just depends on the sub. Many are quite fine.

So you’re telling me that a guy is using his own money to do something that he wants to do? This is a shocking and unprecedented turn of events.